I guess the thing that I am drawing could be like a deep water creature.... Have fun swimming Bullet Also the "sports" I have done a fair bit are: Surfing(Really easy actually), Swimming(Pheh), Long distance bike riding(GOTTA GO FAST!), and running(I go for a 10 mile run on most mornings)... And uyrm... I used to do quite a bit of martial arts but got bored.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
and chilling with bae.

God I hate that word. Never use that again!

Also now you're rich, send me loads of money 'cos I'm broke!
Wait, what
Hello friends and tuna

How are you doing? I see Creati0n has aquired new wealth, well seems like god does fortune the wicked.
jk congratulations.
Not much of a sports guy. Only physical activities I do are dancing and I recently started doing push-ups every morning.

I also play guitar... what?! It's a physical thing! Hands!!!
a spoon.
Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
Not much of a sports guy. Only physical activities I do are dancing and I recently started doing push-ups every morning.

I also play guitar... what?! It's a physical thing! Hands!!!

Acoustic or electric?

I envy people who can play instruments, I was never blessed with such talent.
I play piano, and it is as true as it gets. With enough practice, you can be good at any instrument. Watch this for inspiration hehe. He really inspires me to pursue my musical side, if I do say so myself hehe
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
Maybe the Only Ted Talks presentation that I did not fall asleep to :P
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
My dad forces me to watch those stuff a lot. Also forces me to do computer programming, which I find terribly difficult at a young age .-.
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife