Endurance Onslaught 6.0


so the first trick. its cool and all, but i would strongly suggest staying in the x-out position longer. i know its cool to be really fast, but it comes off as twitchiness since 1) your arms and legs dont have to travel as far, making it look twitchy as they only extend for a few frames, then ball back up, and 2) you really dont have any momentum to save you from this twitchiness. when you want to do x-outs, i suggest to have your arms and legs more contracted before you explode.

also: GHOSTING!!! (f1340)

that scoot was half of a scoot. its supposed to turn your body 180 degrees from your original standpoint. my suggestion: try and make yourself angled at 45 degrees without making it to hard to bring your planting foot down.

(i made my own example using your replay. note that i am not telling you to conform to my style. i am only trying to give an example of what i mean by: turning your body 180 degrees)

anywho, because your scoot was cut short, you didn't have any momentum for your cork. this mean that at the end of your cork, you're forced to use your arm to balance yourself. traditionally its frowned upon, but it turned into a cool spin that was clean at least.

personally however, i feel its a go to for people who can't land their tricks right. but that's just me.

so after you make your hook-kick combo into the next cheat-setup, it gets a bit wonky. at f1008 when your hand touches your knee; dont do it! it kills momentum tremendously. on top of this, the hook you make at the end of the trick looks delayed because of this loss of momentum. once you land you basically lose all of your momentum and you have to wait in order to get into a better position. the 540 was clean

the thing at 657 looks fine to me. its looks planned.

ok replay.

#S_Emo_Smooth as butter

im just going to criticize this as if it were a regular sp replay while excluding emoteen12's tori, and only watching your movement

the first hook was simple, however your landing is somewhat adequate. your body leans too far right, and your all of your weight is on your right leg. its not a huge deal, however your put in a super awkward position and your body struggles to move in sync, (look at f130

another simple hook-kick combo

front kick was clean

air flares were cool

your movement was pretty simple overall to put it bluntly

(i really suggest that you submit sp replays where you are able to edit frame-by-frame however you want it, and have the ability to go back and edit it).

#T_Snap Back To Reality

so everything was fine in my eyes, and that was a really cool dbl cork at the end. best replay out of the three


i noticed that you will pay close attention to your legs, (since theyre basically the base to all of the tricks), but you dont pay too much attention to your chest and arms once your trick has been launched. my suggestion is to not be afraid to relax while you're executing your trick. if you want to contract something, like perhaps a knee, try contracting your hip to make it contract. if that doesnt work, contract it for a few frames, then relax it and it'll move into place. same goes for extending something. i feel that you could be a legend in tricking if you would just polish up your replays with more attention paid to your landings and upper body movement. also, you should really work on variety. corks are cool, but imagine the plethora of tricks there are to do other than those.

no for now

I sort've don't want to criticize duck's replays, mainly because I don't have that much experience in his kind of style, and for me to give feedback that i'll be pulling out of my ass wouldn't be too reliable as an opinion.

its unique tho



cool sailor moon at the beginning, however your left arm is rather twitchy.

your left arm doesnt really affect uke at all when you grab his upper-body, and on top of that your arm twitches again once letting go.

this grab pushes uke away from you, which causes problems when you try to grab again. i understand you were trying to get momentum by grabbing uke and pushing off of him, but you have to remember that he isn't a brick wall.

chest movement is practically nonexistent through f360-f260. the double knee was cool though. the hook and punch combo were really nice too.

cool replay overall

Hit that nigga dwayne

i was excited that you started pulling a tsuion until you didnt really do anything with your wrist. killed my bon-- anywho

your movement was really just back-and-forth, back-and-forth for the whole entirety of the replay. even after the manip, (which was mediocre at best).

the position your hand grabs is a bit hindering too. being so close to the actual leg, it messes up your balance a bit when your heel is extended and contracting your ankle is turned into a whole new thing. though this couldve had some cool innovation if you committed through it.

nice 5 boom

pull up on yo bitch and be like Oogaly BOOGALY Damn

you really just spam the same movement over and over again until you finally hit uke. im not complaining, (too much), though it would be more enjoyable if there was more variety.

split was a split. clean and simple

the manipulation of the upper half was a bit wonky, but it did it's job. the decap was cool with the knee spin.


i really like your movement in the first replay, however the last two sortve killed it for me. more-so the second one. i dont have too much to say due to being very sleepy, but the generally my opinion is

no for now

If any of you would like more elaboration, pm me and i will elaborate more tomorrow if I can.
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examplescoot.rpl (172.8 KB, 28 views)
tsu tsu cuckoo
To add to what Tsuion said as he posted right as I started typing. Emoteen, your replays lack in some movement and fluidity. You have some very nice parts of them, like in pull up on yo bitch, the beginning was a bit wonky as well as a few frames at ~200 but the rest flowed together very nicely and personally I thought it was well-executed.

You have no difficulty getting dms, or overall with movement about half the time. pull up on yo bitch was very well-executed for all but about 75 frames, and I like the way you took a simple split-cap and expanded on it. Your ideas are good, yet I think you unconsciously try to be too complex. Like in hit that nigga, I couldn't really tell what you wanted to do.

I think you definitely have the potential, and you've shown that you can perform well, but the problem really is consistency in your decisions. Choose what you want to do with a replay and then build on that.

so, no. but I think you're close.

look i did something

maybe ill post a replay this week!
prepare for the ultimate cnc when i get home

so i got home very tired and dont have the energy to go in depth

but generally my vote is no

main points are that all of these replays dont have too much variety from each other

all three are short, start with knee dms, and end with a boom in the upper body
Last edited by Tsuion; Dec 14, 2015 at 03:26 AM.
tsu tsu cuckoo
I think its been a month or something?


(Newbie is pretty much done, im going to be wokring on making the ending more fluid n stuff)
Attached Files
[T][W] Newbie.rpl (291.1 KB, 29 views)
[T] Sesenta.rpl (295.0 KB, 21 views)
[T] Uphold.rpl (355.7 KB, 18 views)
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Kirito: in all of these it didnt seem like you were actually doing anything you meant to do, you just started moving in one direction and then jumping any way you could whenever you got close to the ground.

if you were trying to look realistic; the replays did not look realistic at all

if you were not necessarily trying to be realistic; the movements are not particularly interesting or original, they are different from the norm but only because you didnt really plan the replay thoroughly and therefore, simply put, just "did random stuff". you could not land conveniently, which narrowed your options to jiggling around weirdly, and it confuses me that you decided to go with it for so many frames in all three replays.

i suggest watching real life tricking videos. even if you dont want to make realism tricking, it teaches you about conserving momentum by transferring it from the upper body to the lower body and vice versa when spinning, among other things. dont try to make tricks in a hurry, if you land on your toes and struggle to do the next trick without falling to the side, you are doing something wrong. tricking requires a huge amount of patience in order to comfortably transition from one trick to another. no for now.
fucking ninjad, will review arakata in a moment
Arakata: hey youve improved since last time i opened a replay by you
Razor has good ideas but there is some struggle with the movement, particularly during the knee spin at 830, in which you were forced to raise your right shoulder to balance it out, and it sticks out because in the rest of the replay your shoulder movement is fairly tranquil and controlled.

TryG has a super cool opener. the skeets were neat, but when you started doing them you focused on aiming the skeets and sorta forgot about how your tori looks, which means that your arms were a bit twitchy (it was not too bad actually) while the rest of the body is hold all. it is hard to avoid because most people cannot focus on both things at the same time (i know that because i am particularly bad at multitasking), but i say you could try a bit harder

Spinzed is the weakest of the 3 in my opinion, the movement does it job but there are tiny struggles that make it look like it isn't completely fluid. whenever you are falling into a position and you want to spin or do something else afterwards, i recommend you try to edit all the joints so that you fall on a good position already instead of tweaking the joints desperately on each frame right before you land. editing every frame can get you some very precise moves, but it makes you looks twitchy and hesitant aswell.
the dismemberments were not mindblowing either.

from me it is a no, but there is clearly a lot of improvement since the last time i saw you (this could mean nothing though, since i havent really looked at the replay board a lot recently). good luck with your replays
Last edited by pusga; Dec 20, 2015 at 12:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
oh yeah
I honestly feel like ive improved, i really hope im ready

if not, im sorry for wasting your time ;(
Attached Files
[!Matt] [M] [Milk Moustache].rpl (192.5 KB, 21 views)
[!Matt] [M] [Big Kahuna].rpl (190.7 KB, 17 views)
[UBO] [TMM] [FUTO] Leader [OSHI] [TTO] [Monk]
like pusga has stated on previously, you don't really go out of your way to do anything but the most effective method to achieve your goal, for example the middle replay is done well but there's not a lot of substance or creativity to it, spin kick to chest split to torso boom. if i had to pick your replays out of a line-up i don't think i'd be able to tell the difference, you feel? so its a no for now, but you're on your way bud.
wow that