Originally Posted by NoCheerios View Post
AD Teemo is awful. First his range is only 500, which is just not what you want on an AD carry. Second, he has no abilities that enhance his auto-attacks, so if they build armor your basically just an up-close-and-personal squishy who doesn't actually do much damage.

AP however, is very useful, because your Q becomes a nuke, your mushrooms do OP amounts of damage, and your poison really rips through them. If you can set up mushrooms to lure people into and Q + auto-attack swarm them, it's almost a guaranteed kill.

no... you just play him ad in solo top against another ad champ like tryndamere.

You cant think of teemo going ad as an ad carry, you have to think of him as a counter pick to destroy ad melee.

why else, if not as a counter pick, would you play teemo? i always say to my team, FIGHT IN LANE BECAUSE THERE ARE SHROOMS IN JUNGLE, THEY GOT AP TEEMOOOO!!!! and once my team is raped on the jungle ( they are retards ), they wont get raped again.
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Jan 15, 2012 at 08:51 AM.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Originally Posted by NoCheerios View Post
AD Teemo is awful. First his range is only 500, which is just not what you want on an AD carry. Second, he has no abilities that enhance his auto-attacks, so if they build armor your basically just an up-close-and-personal squishy who doesn't actually do much damage.

AP however, is very useful, because your Q becomes a nuke, your mushrooms do OP amounts of damage, and your poison really rips through them. If you can set up mushrooms to lure people into and Q + auto-attack swarm them, it's almost a guaranteed kill.

Assuming your opponents are dumb enough to chase an ap teemo. I like the ap/as build that someone recently posted, I've played against that and it actually did damage to me when I was tanking.

But a pure ap teemo sucks, he's not a mage

I like to compare ap teemo with evelynn, tons of damage, destroys the enemy team, still lose the game.
Last edited by Hippybob; Jan 15, 2012 at 09:03 AM.
Well, building Madred's Bloodrazor and Frozen Mallet gives you ad, but your still focusing ap/as more, those are more for the as and health/slow.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Oh painful painful moments playing with real people, we still won but oh man..

Enjoy your pre lvl 30 time... You'll soon reach the stage where you seem to be good, getting nice KDs and all that. But it's just vague mirage...

Also, add Oantteri. Others: Feel free to add me too. :P
This was actually a fun game. Everyone was so nice which is really hard to come around in this game.

I'm getting into jungling, seeing as playing AP mid over and over again was getting boring.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Sup guys I have started Anivia-ing as of late and I would like some tips on what to build on her.
Usually I start with a meki pendant, rush tears, build magic pen boots, catalyst, RoA, Archangel's. I wanted to know if this is ideal on anivia. With this I usually get about 3.5k mana. Also I want to know what you guys think about Frozen Heart or Zhonya's I mean they both give armour but I like the Frozen heart for the cooldown reduction and the slow. But I feel that Zhonya's can give me a little more sustainability during team fights and it's active can be used to take all the focus off of me. I tend to think Rylai's is always a good item on her because she has the AoE ult but I dunno. I feel like it kinda makes frozen heart redundant. And a final item on the build ofc the Banshee's veil for it's epic passive.

Archangel's, M.Pen Boots, RoA, Frozen Heart/Zhonya's, Rylai's, Banshee's Veil.

What you guys think of my potential build for Anivia?
I am new to her so I haven't actually gotten to finish the build.

Also I use support runes and masteries on her, so she starts with extra gold.
Movespeed quints. Flat Cooldown somethings and Flat mana regen somethings.
I feel like I don't really need the extra magic pen or ap on anivia.
And I use Teleport and Heal for the most part. Heal helps alot with laning in mid against aggressive assholes ._.

BTW: I almost always have blue buff on her ._.

Also I learned that the ice wall can block xin's dash move and make you feel like a boss simultaneously.
Last edited by Hippybob; Jan 15, 2012 at 11:28 AM.
You and your wall have killed me so many times, on the same team.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Uric View Post
You and your wall have killed me so many times, on the same team.

<3 Anivia 4ever

Also we should make a Jarvan, Trundle, Anivia Team
I should really play with you guys. Provided you don't mind that I suck.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Originally Posted by Hamr View Post
I should really play with you guys. Provided you don't mind that I suck.

Just add

Boxxtah (box)
Oantteri (Dargon)
AGoodSavior (me)
Strange Program (Ishi)
Boredpayne (Boredpayne)
Hunt UHunt (Uric)
Edjr (Ed)
Anvium (Numbers)
Boonana (Boonana)
Ajww13 (Aj)
Zotwi (Zotwi)
Also don't be an Ishi, use skype.

North American server btw.
Last edited by Hippybob; Jan 17, 2012 at 10:35 AM.