Originally Posted by rnyitcpk View Post
forget about me?

no, i will edit this post in a bit

andromeda: your movement looks fine in this replay for the most part, the exceptions being some shoulder raising and lowering that looks a bit abrupt, such as around frame 380/370

i think everything is fine until the hits. that abs/lumbar region grab looks like the option that would give you less possibilities for hits, and as a result you went with a torso kick that is somewhat overdone, even though the amount of dms is pretty impressive.
i have a problem with the rest of the kicks though, you kept the grab and just spun back and forth kicking whatever you were grabbing. i think you could have done something that would look much more impressive or interesting than that.

hawk: again, i like the replay until the dms started. the decap would probably look fine in any other situation, but that knee contraction after it made it look like it didn't have any of the power that it actually had. the rest of the hits suffer from what i mentioned above, i think that keeping a grab for the rest of the hits pretty much conditions you to do the same thing every time.

neaw: i actually think the hits in this one are pretty alright. i like the opener and decap kick, emphasis on style more than anything else.
while the hits weren't particularly impressive in the execution or creativity cathegories, i liked how you lifted uke's lower body before striking it. seems like a better option than just striking it on the ground, atleast to me.

for now it's a no from me, but you're pretty decent at moving around. i would try to avoid letting the grabs and hits condition that nice movement, and instead use the grabs to your own good. try gaining speed with grabs, and other stuff besides just hitting uke.
Last edited by pusga; Nov 7, 2015 at 06:13 PM.
oh yeah
liked the first one

the other two I didn't dig all that much (great, but not as great as the first)

I'll edit this later for full review later.

I'm neutral, but leaning towards a yes.
Last edited by MrJingles; Nov 11, 2015 at 10:29 PM.
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wait youre not already in ormo?

(yea from me)

(also the last two are a bitlacking compared to deja vu but its only minor so whatevs)
tsu tsu cuckoo
I say no to both.

I'll edit this post later, gotta head to work. :<
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