Daven's Quarry

There was definitely something going on in the village. There was a buzz in the air that spoke of excitement. Definitely a sign something had happened recently.

Picking a particularly abuzz inn, a tall thing called Thorn and Olive, Mars enters the full common room with Terme.

"Go talk to the innkeeper," he says, scanning the room for anything of interest. "I'll see to the locals."
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Thorn and Olive
Terme locates the innkeeper immediately and makes his way to the man casually.

"'Ello, you've got anything to eat here?" he asks enthusiastically. "I'm quite the bit famished."
Last edited by Lawrence1; Jul 14, 2012 at 09:00 AM.
Thorn and Olive

The innkeeper, looking quite harassed, gives a light sigh.

"We're a bit low right now, but I can get you some lentil soup."

He calls for a serving maid.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Thorn and Olive
"War's keeping you low on supplies, eh? Rotten luck." Terme says sympathetically. "Otherwise, how have things been around here lately?"
Last edited by Lawrence1; Jul 14, 2012 at 09:20 AM.
Thorn and Olive

After relaying the order to one of the maids, he returns his attention to Terme.

"Damned nobles, that's what. Two of them got off bad in my common room and started fight. Left one of the nobles and two of his men dead. Why can't they just leave us alone?"
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Thorn and Olive
Terme whistles audibly, relaying a tone of shock. "Oi, was this recently??" He begins to ask becoming heavily intrigued. "And did you happen to recognize either?"

If this is indeed Lord Caryotte's work, then things must be just as the king expected. I doubt the assassination of three men is the kind of diplomacy Bryce was tasked...
Thorn and Olive

"Recognize them? No, I don't think so. The fellow who lived was in some inn... ah... the Bleeding Heart. You seem pretty curious?"
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Thorn and Olive
"It's not everyday you get to hear about nobles at each other's throats, y'know. Not literally anyhow." Terme says with a light chuckle. "Either way, it's nice to keep up with the latest, y'know?" Terme replies nonchalantly. "What of the nobleman that died? Anything you remember of him?"
Thorn and Olive

"Dangerous looking man, looked like he was able to use his sword. Put steel right through his own guard's throat just to hit that Bryce fellow! How can someone be so cold?"
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Thorn and Olive
The shock registers on Terme's face.
There it is. Bryce is responsible for it... What could he possibly be up to?

"Now that's something.." He says with a tone of pity. He begins to look around the inn, "Sounds pretty messy. Although, things around here don't seem too agitated.. You made off pretty luck, no property damage that I can see." he comments idly.