Yes, onda will always be leader no matter what
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
yea shrimp!

I am always gonna be the clan founder but we need someone that can handle the clan problems when I am not in the clan ( inactive sometimes ) and that have enough experience!
Hm, I think it will be better if thread Contacts will be in the Information thread because that thread is in the bottom of page.
PolishPlayer | Fan Club
Me and lolman can be in charge << Co-Ldr's
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
Hell ya we are keep up the good work fella's.
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
also lol add yourself and alex to the co leaders list, later I am going to make a hall of glory for the best members that we ever have!