Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
New rap

I think you's should click give me some feedback, and like yeah <3

Loved it <3
So you think of lyrics before doing this or is it all improvisation?
Originally Posted by Dilara View Post
Loved it <3
So you think of lyrics before doing this or is it all improvisation?

Thank you

I just write ahaha, get some lyrics from past freestyles iv'e done and just from the spot i guess aha, shower too sometimes. shower's the best place for lyrics. sadly i forget most when i get out
Originally Posted by Nickone View Post

I think you can guess what that link ^ leads too

Loved it.

Guess who's going to Hopsin this year

Starts at 1: 38 for anyone who cares
you goin to hopsin? he loves my city he came ere 2twice this year n he always goes out dancing/drinking with the fans good bloke even tho im not a big fan
Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
you goin to hopsin? he loves my city he came ere 2twice this year n he always goes out dancing/drinking with the fans good bloke even tho im not a big fan

Cool! Seems like a down-to-earth guy
ahaha yeah he was sayin he wants to move here, and i know after his show a few lad's hooked him up with some bud, so i know he knows about the weed here, aha he loves the atmosphere of the adelaide people, well all aussies, dunno why he singled out adelaide i might run into him one day n ask lol