the ass monkey are a...
(also a guy named mike227 posted here but i think he delete his comment ._.) <--That was me ~Fear091
Last edited by Fear; Jan 8, 2011 at 03:24 PM.
Orion started collecting ass-monkeys for....

^thats cheating.

heres your one:
'Orion started collecting ass monkeys...

:{ gtfo
Last edited by Macrid; Jan 12, 2011 at 03:54 AM.
lol obviously :P and ise/orion/fear can any1 respond??
we r able to make the clan vid or not?? (i think youll say yes) - (hope so)
a break
life is getting a little hectic around here
school just started up again
i have a job
etc. etc. etc.

so i am taking a break
from tb/forums
i'm not sure how long it will be
but i'm thinking 2-3 weeks
i have to tie a few loose ends up

I'm not quiting
i will be back!
love y'all

orion out
Free Pv2Caribou