Endurance Onslaught 6.0

Jinx LoL

Had a pretty fun game with my cousin.
I called ADC before the Ashe did, and it ended up the Ashe going top with me and Soraka bottom (my cousin was Yi, lol he needs to learn how 2 play). In all seriousness he's pretty good just hasn't played in a while.

They were threatening to report me because Ashe "called adc" before me.
My cousin kept telling them I'd carry the team with like a 5/1 kd ratio lol. I ended up with about a 8.33/1 kd ratio with a shit ton of farm. The beginning started off rough as I was mainly focusing on farm. Volibear and Ashe at top had gotten about 2-3 kills within 7 minutes of the game and Voli was certain he was the one going to carry the team as we were "having troubles" however I was just getting minions. I had about 80 minions while everyone had about 19-50. Voli having 19 minions and 3 kills. lol

I ended up getting a double kill, and the success went on from there. ;)
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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I play Smite because my Computer sucks and I am scared of trying to download LoL
I am terrible at it :c
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

My games are:
WoW (Azjob-Nerub and Defias Brotherhood)Alliance main and horde some
LoL (GreekTerror EUW)
Dota2 (Steam: Possesed)
Teso beta tester
Rome 2 total war
Medieval total war
Soon: Thief and watchdogs