Speaking of which, I really should update that, and make the logo look a bit better.

There's not much I can do but add some small effects, but it would be better than what we have now, yeah?
[B]hey i wanted to know if i cood join
i am a brown soon to be black getting really good and i want to join because ever since i heard about CBK i wanted to join.. i really like the way CBK plays and i hope to be [CBK]telesmash0 one day
well i know i am giving many people a yes... but man that guy made a 3-0 with me and seems pretty nice so its a yes from me too
Last edited by Ghiro; Feb 23, 2008 at 08:41 PM.
Originally Posted by Dutch (black lagoon)
My head's not torn off... My sunglasses aren't broken... Amen Halleluja, peanut butter

No cause you didnt post in the correct format lol jk I dunno though.

are you drunk?
Originally Posted by Dutch (black lagoon)
My head's not torn off... My sunglasses aren't broken... Amen Halleluja, peanut butter

Hmm, I'm lookin to join an elite clan, and thus I stumbled across Breakfast. I am a brown-going-on-black belt, and am skilled in many mods, my favorite being twinswords (No "OMG! TWINSWRDZ IS TEH N00B, LAWL!!!", please). I am very friendly and always willing to help out the clan I'm in if needed. I play just about every day, as well.

Please go over my application. If you wish to test me, please send me a PM stating a good time and server. I'm usually on between 7PM - 10PM Central US Time.

Proud Member of [Inq] - 4th Dan
hello i would like to join
belt:blue almost brown
play time: a little under a month
game type:really anything. i play it a little and then i get used to it. so ya im a multi fighter
BF1192:u ever wonder why the sky is blue?
XT3KRAZOR: not really i just look at the sky and think of potatoes.
bf1192: how the hell does that help?
XT3KRAZOR: well potatoes are the escence of life...and v8 juice.