Endurance Onslaught 6.0
anyway, how the f*** you can get this much accs and all of them are at least master belt, just goric its blue :0
You all are active like 5hours earlier than me in time
Its funny cause I usually have to get on at 12:00am to talk with ya'll haha
Name: Hallipino
Gmt: PST Pacific
Forum/Irc Activity: Up to 2 hours on school nights, maybe more. 5 hours or more on weekends.
Past Clans: I wasn't part of any official clan or active ones.
Best Mod: Judo
Talents: Being Positive, being helpful, Judo.
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join this clan because I believe that being apart of Adventure would get me more involved than I already am in the community, which would lead to me being a better player.
Why should I let you?: You should let me join because I am a very positive person that can contribute to the clan in any way needed.
Info about yourself: I am 17 years of age.
Currently attending school.
From the great white north ( Canada )
And I LOVE this game!
I'm going to have to say no. Your forum activity isn't too good(which is what this clan is majorly based on) and youre win ratio isn't the best either. You can however, possibly sway my vote if you tell me what you can contribute to the clan.
Last edited by Muur; Jan 13, 2011 at 12:44 AM.
his english, pretty well writed, but kinda fake impression, i saw some stuff writed wrong. and he dont seem to be a good player, he dont seem to be active on forum.

hope you enjoy the big and bold NO.

sorry if i was cruel, but i love to make size gettin really bigger =D
Last edited by Rial; Jan 13, 2011 at 12:46 AM.