hey guys i sucessfully recruited killer1132 hes blk belt so iv recruited 1 out of 3
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.
Hey sexywittsy said im in but heres the form any way
Name: Jago
Belt: Brown

and idk the rest, but there you go
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|
sorry but sexy isent allowed to just let ppl in hes supposed to get them to post hear, but were having some tuff times right now, so i dont really care about you skills online just show me you post a lote and you in
hmmm, im not black belt, im about 20 away from brown belt.... what rank counts as a good low belt, coz im aboout rank 8000 and a blue belt, so ill say all the stuff anyways...
1. Belt= Blue
2. Hours a day i play= at the moment i only take about 8 5 mins break a day, all the time im at home and able to log on (i have vista uac turned on :< (between 10 am and 10 pm at the moment(i am in england(i dont know what gmt that is)))) i said in number two, i am not really sure, but i am living in england, so ill have to ask you to find out :>.
4. meh email is and my msn is also
5.i want to be in a clan where people are active (my last clan turned out that all the members didnt like the game any more) plus i almost pissed myself laughing when i first watched the movie superbad!

so am i in
Something about busses:D
no and the clan is dead so i might revive it later if u decide to ask mc1ovin
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.