hey guys i was waiting for fawflaw but he never made it but he is leaving sin and toribash its too much time out of his life i think he said so lets all say a few words
Woah, WHAT?
Faw is one of the msot amazing players outthere.

A person I can relate to due to art, unlike most people. Great pixel skills.
Genius well at that, the one video beats all my old shitty ones and y newer sped up videos ever.

Gonna miss ye art.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I saw one of his last works! One of his set is in Xtreme's shop! I still wanna talk to him about something! One of Sin's legends fallen again!
carbonking add CarbonLord and fawflaw to fallen legends in our Roster!
Then people will know our legends!
Bye our old friend fawflaw!
~ Uberis
O yeah we could make CarbonLords and fawflaws tribute :P Maybeh