Originally Posted by Dadeichu View Post
Oh no its not a great day for me. Im a girl and I thought girls weren't allowed in the Monestary, because i saw that app of Scarlet, she was a girl and you said she couldn't get it.... Well, If im not accepted, i might just leave..
Oh shiit, im in really deep shiiiiiiiiit, plz don't kick me from the clan BB, then i'll be in deeper shit with uuuuuuu

Hey dade
I never want you to leave the clan! About Wendy, I thougt to do a new rank.. calls nuns.. but she didnt act like a monk/nun so she never was invited. so please dont leave.. we all need you..
Hey guys, I am having some vg difficulties, but i shall try my best to fix it (the lag) Also there is no more school and my sports camp doesnt start for another 2 weeks or so. The only time i wont be on is friday because my friend is taking me to the franklin institute
Nice entrie tobreak..

ok guys.. and girls. Awaiting your entries..

Originally Posted by BBKing5 View Post

Monk Parkour

Finish the parkour map with the most style.

The mod to be used is: freerun1_by_niki2012.tbm
(this mod can be found in the default mod folder)

Replays must be named like this.
monkparkour [your name]

If you do not know how to run, we suggest that you
search the tutorial on the forums or search it on Youtube.

You are allowed to use grab.

1st Place: 10'000 TC
2nd Place: 5'000 TC



Deadline: 4th of july 04:44:44 GMT

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Sponsored by BBKing5