Yes to Pidgenere
He's funny and i'd really like to see him in here
but please, make sure you'll be in evil for a long time if you, hopefully, get accepted
10/10 art skills
k welcome to the clan :3


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
But wait I wanted to vote NO. Just kidding congrats on the trial.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
i think you are a good guy and i like your attitude. And finally a striking player!
i say yes!


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
i'd stay neutral for now because i dont really know who Skizzify is, may vote yes because seems like he is a good guy.+ SP players would be a very ok addition to our clan
Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
Hello wonderful individuals. My gaming nick is usually Skizzify or Dr. Buttox and I am a 2nd dan black belt.

I'm not a very talkative dude ingame so basically I would say that I act like one of those dudes who don't talk as much and just play. I don't really care what people have to say especially if it's coming from a person I barely know online.

I post daily. Maybe like 1 to 3 a day. I try to stay active on the forums as much as I am ingame so that I can be a good clan member.

I don't use the irc a lot but from time to time I get on the irc just to chat. I can change that if you guys require me to get on. I have only one excuse though and that is high school. So maybe only on weekends I am able to be online because I have a lot of work to do.

I'm applying for Evil because I see the clan as a good clan who treats their members equally instead of alienating them like some leaders do. I also want to join because I want to help out in any way I can. Whether it is attending wars or donating tc.

I have been infracted 2 times. Both of them for useless posting. Nothing more nothing less.

I like quite a few mods so it's hard to pick a favorite. But rk-mma or lenshu3ng are some of the best mods for me. I'm a replay maker so those 2 mods are my strong points. I can do aikido as well but not as good as rk-mma.

My skills outside are mostly sports like soccer or football. I never joined a team before but whenever I play soccer with my friends who are in teams I tend to outwit them or outplay them a lot. I'm quite a fast runner as well.

Let's see, oh. Vouchers. Well I made quite a lot of friends but if there were people who would vouch for me they would be people who have seen my skill or who I'm good friends with.

Yes, I agree with the Evil nerd code because all of these rules apply to myself.

Because......I am Evil

Also here are my replays if you want to see how skilled I am ingame. They're not multiplayer replays because like I said I'm a replay maker.

Yes, from me.