839 ilvl on my fire mage before the first reset and most of my gear is mythic, just need to get that 3rd relic slot and i'll be well into 840+, not too bad. cleared all mythics aside from the rep-locked suramar ones which i should be able to do sometime this weekend. decided to make an alt since they seem to be quite important, and i went with warrior. playing prot since it's apparently really good for leveling and it might just be because i'm used to having to be careful when pulling packs alone as a mage, but fucking hell are prot warriors fun. i can pull 10-20 mobs at a time, keep proccing ignore pain and spam my cds and never drop below half hp, it's really fun and makes leveling super fast. i never knew prot would be as viable as it is while leveling, not to mention i'm going to get into dungeon queues really easily since tanks aren't as common these days.
Last edited by Faint; Sep 6, 2016 at 07:56 AM.
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
839 ilvl on my fire mage before the first reset and most of my gear is mythic, just need to get that 3rd relic slot and i'll be well into 840+, not too bad. cleared all mythics aside from the rep-locked suramar ones which i should be able to do sometime this weekend. decided to make an alt since they seem to be quite important, and i went with warrior. playing prot since it's apparently really good for leveling and it might just be because i'm used to having to be careful when pulling packs alone as a mage, but fucking hell are prot warriors fun. i can pull 10-20 mobs at a time, keep proccing ignore pain and spam my cds and never drop below half hp, it's really fun and makes leveling super fast. i never knew prot would be as viable as it is while leveling, not to mention i'm going to get into dungeon queues really easily since tanks aren't as common these days.

That is great to hear, was going to start leveling my warr today xD wanting to prot as well
I'll most likely go prot as well, played arms in WoD was awful, and what i've seen is prot can do damage and can heal themselves. They can hit relatively hard with their cooldowns up, and can go from 0 to full in a few moves, along with the talents, and tank classes are usually really good at the start of a new expansion and the end, so we'll have to see
I'm just tired of dps too be honest, and not in the mood for hectic healing. I want to try take tanking properly and maybe even do some raid progression. My hunter can be used for world content and pvp haha.

How do prot tanks heal? I didn't see any specific heal abilities. Most are insanely OP mitigation abilities. Accidentally chose fury artifact wep the other day so I have to fury for a bit till I can go after the tank artifact at 102 i think it was.
They have some good moves and the new artifact talents and stuff have some healing moves in them, I know from WoD at the end of the expansion they had some good heals, but as of now i'm playing mage so im a bit rusty on my prot knowledge
Ah fair enough, tbh I last tanked my warrior during leveling in Cata 1-80 then I had to go dps to level higher there to 85. Always enjoyed it since it was challenging but extremely fun. It looks about the same haha in terms of how they tank (hard to get aggro on multiple adds compared to other tanks, but they hardly ever lose aggro and can take big hits nicely like a blood dk) xD. I did tank on a Brew master in mop/wod for a while but I'm just not in the mood for that tanking style again even though it was fun but felt a bit silly tanking with brews and a staff. So I decided Warrior tank.

Fire mages seem to be a big thing now though. Arcane is like non-existant due to how weak they are atm. Frost seems boring to me now (was going to keep mage as a main alt but I didn't enjoy the new frost and fire seems "not me"). But people are loving it so thats good haha.

In terms of healing I just havent been able to heal in wow since MoP when I did arena and bg healing which was awesome! Got my rsham to 1,8k in rbgs which is cool to me. Resto druid seems to be the best healing spec right now imo though.
Actually I feel frost is the weakest spec, if you know how to play a mage and let alone know how to play an arcane, they are pretty deadly, but it's all about how you set it up. I feel if you know how to play one you can do good damage with them, but as of now I think its fire,arcane,frost. Arcane is honestly not that weak, they have some enhanced moves, tons of mobility and can hit relatively well. If I didn't play fire my other choice would have to be arcane, frost just seems boring, they lost all their movements and stuff, a lot of the good hitting moves aren't there, it's just not as fun. Now fire has some good moves, great mobility, high hitting talents as well as insane artifact talents, I think this is the expansion that all fire mages wanted.
Yeah wod hated fire dude damn.. Hansol (the fire mage youtuber) even stopped vids for most of wod since it was so neglected.

But I cant play a stand still class, by that I mean where you have to stand still to cast most of your spells. I like hunter because of the insane mobility, and since im from South Africa, at best I have 200 ping so reaction time is crazy to deal with since even if im not in the "fire"'s range on my screen, it can still hit me because of that ping slowing my reaction time. So I need to be able to move constantly to avoid that situation a lot. Melee is also cool but I find it hard to keep in range of targets that keep moving lol.

Guess its just a preferential play style i have though.
If you wanted to play a mage class, then arcane would be good for you, lots of mobility and such, good hitting moves, but hunter is pretty good of a class, has some good levek 100 moves that were in WoD and such
i feel the same as concon, honestly. my dad used to be a wow player, but then quit. however, he likes to see the new expansions, but he wouldn't pay for it. so he offers me leveling on my cast classes, because i cba with it and he enjoyes them.
however, i do like melee alot as well. it's just the cast classes. and i mean mages had their move whilst casting talent in wod, but let's be real, if you ever use it, those 3 charges goes up fast. now i don't even know if any mage spec has that talent.