Hello! I woud like to join Evo, i will be explaining why, and what i can do other information will be listed of course.

The age that im at right now is 23 years old.

Some of the past clans ive been in is Obey, I liked obey but it was getting boring slowly and slowly every day I joined Obey when it was dying slowly until it died and no one was playing. Pew was one of my very first clans i was in, Pew was a great experience it was the most fun clan i was in, maybe your wondering why i left Pew, i had to leave due to the leader never being active this was a problem, we never had a leader to help us in wars and such on. I was in Vo the clan, it was very fun to be there but over time i became bored, though i brought much parkour to the clan and much sparring, the people weren't respecting me sometimes and i didn't like that feeling, that forced me to leave the clan. Those are all my clans.

I have many alts but my main alt that im using alot is oexx, ive never been banned (if your wondering why i have many accounts)i have many accounts like i said, Many of them were to goof off with xxezio is one because i was a fan of Ezio i thought he was a great player and he still is.

The reason why i play toribash today: There is a main reason why i play Toribash so much today and in the past. Toribash is a complex game where many people give up due to how hard it is to understand how to move like a pro,(largekilla being one) I loved how hard it was to learn the game, even when i got mad I would not give up. If you give up you'll never learn, I also do love playing this game still because I always thought that if I could master this move or this run, i would feel accomplished and so I did. The game is overall a great game and I don't plan on leaving it.

In the future I want to post a video about me on mocucha, I think that im good enough where people well be like "Whoa i want to play like this guy one day". I want to stand out like many people have and i want the success they have had.

The reason why I want to join Evo, its because most of the people here are respectful and i believe that, the clan is overall amazing and its one ive been wanting to join for a long time around 2 to 3 years. This clan i believe is ment for me.

Some of the stuff i can bring to this clan is well done replays so the clan doesn't look bad. I want to bring more respect to the clan, some people think this clan is terrible but i feel like i could change the mind. I bring sparring parkour and some tricking on my free time on toribash.

The main person i know in Evo is Fred. I think Fred is awesome, hes showed me some Swedish and how to say words. A person I have played with is Mocucha, i played with on another account, and I think it was a lovely spar.

If im willing to voice chat with members, this is choice im unable to say so. I do think once i get to know more people I think sure i would be able to in discord.

Some information about me:In real life I do tricks such as flips to another one, I have a job and its been going great in it. I speak german,swedish(now),and eglish. I love to play toribash, I can get around 2-3 hours in it. Ive always been determined in real life and in video games if i cant succeed something. Im a person who likes to mess around and someone who likes to type and read. Im a nerd when it comes to books, I like reading and its something i do to relax my self such as stress. I like eating Pizza when i feel like a dummy not knowing what to do.

And the easy way to talk with me is in the Discord. Thank you to who ever read my long boring reason why i want to join.
Hello there!
I would like to apply for Evolution.

As of today , I am currently 14 years old.

My Timezone is GMT +1

The past clans i have been in are :
Volt (Old dead clan)

All of the clans I have been in are pretty decent and active.
Obey however was my favorite clan to be in because it was incredibly fun and filled with very cool and chill people . You might be thinking why did I leave Obey and all the other clans i have been in?
Well I left because as time passed. I got a little bored and more and more people were going inactive or leaving the clan.
But Evolution in my opinion has lots of active players and cool people just like obey did <3

I have 2 alts. One in case if my account is lost (Wubbywubbywoo) and 1 for just messing about as a white belt (Sellers)

Now for the interesting part:
Why do I play Toribash? Why do I play it so much 24/7?
Well there's an answer to that.
I play Toribash quite frankly everyday for hours straight because of how awesome the community is and the game itself. I always wanted to play a game where you can control your own joints and do whatever you want and then one day I found Toribash. At First i did not know what I was doing because of how Complexed the game is. One day , I found out how it worked and what joints to move when doing something. And after I learnt that , The game became so much fun to me. After doing many spars , parkour maps , Its honestly a miracle that even a game like this can be made. I hope in the future it will get even better and Toribash Next which i'm so excited about!

I hope to accomplish to be a Replay maker legend , Just like Swexx and Nuthug. They are my inspiration to keep playing toribash and do Spars and parkour maps. I really hope I get to play with them one day <3

I want to join eVo or known as Evolution because in my opinion , The clan is filled with absolutely brilliant people like Hassan , Tripstone , basically everyone in the clan. All of them are also respectful , more than the previous clans I have been in (Elite and Obey are also respectful but not all the players)

Now , What can I bring to the clan you may ask?
Well I can bring my Aikido Skill to wars and I can Bring my Respect to Evolution and also my Realism Skills for replays C:

I actually know a lot of people in Evolution like Zwar , Tripstone , Hassan and Venture and Mocucha. They are incredibly nice and chill people to play with!

Yes , I would be delighted to chat with everyone in Evolution! I would want to know some people much better and just chill while we have a match or Spar

There's not a lot of things to explain about me but i will tell you some
I am from the United Kingdom , England. I am also British , I know a tiny bit of French and Spanish and i'm still learning some words. I want to know and get better at Tricking in real life because ever since i saw someone trick and do flips , I was so into it and i tried doing a front flip and fell on my back xD
But I will start getting better and hopefully become one of the best at tricking. I have a massive thing for video games , I've been playing video games ever since i was 3 years old and today , I still find them very fun!
I honestly love Caramel Short breads , they are tasty like mad.

That's all you have to know about me!

Here's my Discord Name :

Hope to chat with some of you! <3

Here's some replays I've saved in matches.

I also hope all of you guys have a great day! (or night)

Attached Files
Core and madpers.rpl (1.17 MB, 2 views)
Lenshu Decap.rpl (69.2 KB, 2 views)
Suplex dm counter.rpl (57.5 KB, 2 views)
Ultimate Decap lol.rpl (47.2 KB, 2 views)
Core the Almighty 1.rpl (545.9 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by shredder; Sep 30, 2018 at 12:35 AM. Reason: .

Originally Posted by Core View Post
Obey however was my favorite clan to be in because it was incredibly fun and filled with very cool and chill people . You might be thinking why did I leave Obey and all the other clans i have been in?
Well I left because as time passed. I got a little bored and more and more people were going inactive or leaving the clan.

U were denied from Obey when you applied to them a few weeks ago?
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I use to be in obey at the start of the year because Zack invited me and i wanted to join back because it was trying to revive but they denied.

Originally Posted by Core View Post
Hello there!
I would like to apply for Evolution.

As of today , I am currently 14 years old.

My Timezone is GMT +1

The past clans i have been in are :
Volt (Old dead clan)

All of the clans I have been in are pretty decent and active.
Obey however was my favorite clan to be in because it was incredibly fun and filled with very cool and chill people . You might be thinking why did I leave Obey and all the other clans i have been in?
Well I left because as time passed. I got a little bored and more and more people were going inactive or leaving the clan.
But Evolution in my opinion has lots of active players and cool people just like obey did <3

I have 2 alts. One in case if my account is lost (Wubbywubbywoo) and 1 for just messing about as a white belt (Sellers)

Now for the interesting part:
Why do I play Toribash? Why do I play it so much 24/7?
Well there's an answer to that.
I play Toribash quite frankly everyday for hours straight because of how awesome the community is and the game itself. I always wanted to play a game where you can control your own joints and do whatever you want and then one day I found Toribash. At First i did not know what I was doing because of how Complexed the game is. One day , I found out how it worked and what joints to move when doing something. And after I learnt that , The game became so much fun to me. After doing many spars , parkour maps , Its honestly a miracle that even a game like this can be made. I hope in the future it will get even better and Toribash Next which i'm so excited about!

I hope to accomplish to be a Replay maker legend , Just like Swexx and Nuthug. They are my inspiration to keep playing toribash and do Spars and parkour maps. I really hope I get to play with them one day <3

I want to join eVo or known as Evolution because in my opinion , The clan is filled with absolutely brilliant people like Hassan , Tripstone , basically everyone in the clan. All of them are also respectful , more than the previous clans I have been in (Elite and Obey are also respectful but not all the players)

Now , What can I bring to the clan you may ask?
Well I can bring my Aikido Skill to wars and I can Bring my Respect to Evolution and also my Realism Skills for replays C:

I actually know a lot of people in Evolution like Zwar , Tripstone , Hassan and Venture and Mocucha. They are incredibly nice and chill people to play with!

Yes , I would be delighted to chat with everyone in Evolution! I would want to know some people much better and just chill while we have a match or Spar

There's not a lot of things to explain about me but i will tell you some
I am from the United Kingdom , England. I am also British , I know a tiny bit of French and Spanish and i'm still learning some words. I want to know and get better at Tricking in real life because ever since i saw someone trick and do flips , I was so into it and i tried doing a front flip and fell on my back xD
But I will start getting better and hopefully become one of the best at tricking. I have a massive thing for video games , I've been playing video games ever since i was 3 years old and today , I still find them very fun!
I honestly love Caramel Short breads , they are tasty like mad.

That's all you have to know about me!

Here's my Discord Name :

Hope to chat with some of you! <3

Here's some replays I've saved in matches.

I also hope all of you guys have a great day! (or night)

