This reminds me of the cancer that was designing emblems in cod black ops. L o l, some people were really autistic about them.

I'm off to a lecture now. Fucking 7:30 am lectures. Then I'll have a coffee break, then labs, then more classes, then liberty at last.

About Russel Brand, I don't like that video, I generally don't like shitty preaching videos. Bleh.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
About Russel Brand, I don't like that video, I generally don't like shitty preaching videos. Bleh.

blasphemous! Theres nothing about preaching. He talks about alot of things, some spiritual, some about zeitgeist..
I guess you can interpret it in your individual way, because he drifts through some topics. For example micro/macro cosmos, quantum physics etc. I guess you could say that he talks about 'spiritual awakening'.

I don't have any problems with that, even though I'm atheistic and accept nothing but logic.
I don't like it, for the few fragments I bothered to check out he's just talking some relatively 'enlightened' things that are more or less obvious stuff that doesn't affect me or influence or teach me anything, it seemed like more or less random chatter, and playing pompatic music as a background for something impactless like that makes it all look pretentious. It's like... meh.

Personal worldview has nothing to do with it because he talked about nothing, maybe it's because of the multiple topics or whatever. It's kinda like my fluid mechanics lectures, the professor talks non stop for 1,5h but in the end nothing of use was said, perhaps he gave us one formula but it's so obvious that we could've just as well reached it without his help.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I'm probably gonna try doing some music stuff, as in like editing music/remixes and stuff.
Just seems cool to me. I've never really had any opportunities to play any instruments so I want to try this.


Well, JT, I guess the avarage person does not know about alot of the stuff, since the usual person watches the shit from the TV in the afternoon that makes you dumb. Like in germany, the 'newspaper' with the most consumers is so bad from it's content and mostly so far from the truth, that they are not allowed to call themself 'newspaper' ... that says it all about the avarage.

But I guess it's not in your interest though. I was glad to find something like this on youtube, because you grabs alot of good topics in his channel, talking about them and how news are bringing it out in a false way etc
Congratulations, Icky was banned for leaking and most likely isn't getting unbanned at all. Can't say much more because higher staff and admins are pretty much fucking furious about the whole situation and would be really trigger happy with next bans.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Ah, I like Icky.
Leaking though, where? What orifice?
We should make a petition to get him back similar to what the community did when I posted goatse when I was drunk.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Ah, I like Icky.
Leaking though, where? What orifice?
We should make a petition to get him back similar to what the community did when I posted goatse when I was drunk.

Make it happen.