seriously i think that is, and cuz the problems with the legate i will do it as last and think about it while i do the another banners
Well, I think any posts on this thread can be justified by the excuse that the threads purpose was to promote forum activity, and posting here IS activity, therefore we're always on-topic.
Fear is so bad... and mac wtf? trying to stole my idead of say crazy things and say nothing? and ok Fear let's smash the members with this and i think i will raise the prizes to 10k each thing
when i saw that was already clan achievements, also what about images for this acheivements? but don't fucking ask about it or i won't do anything
lolol Fear it's right "Clan War?" <troll
just accept this then say "ok this time but in the next time u sould post on "diplomacy" thread..." u.u