-Age: 21

-GMT: -4

-Past Clans:
Psychward, Guardians, Inquisition, Tribe, I am, Vibe, Metagame

-What made you start playing Toribash?:
A friend of mine was really into this game and I decided to give it a try after days of pleading. Haven't gone back since.

-Why do you still play Toribash today?:
Hasbeens do what Hasbeens do ;). For some reason whenever I am just bored I find myself coming back to this game. I guess old habits don't die hard.

-What do you hope to achieve, accomplish in the future as a player of Toribash?:
At this point in time I am just here to hang around with some of the older players and chill. I am past the point in worrying about improving. We are all here to just have fun and get a good laugh.

-Why do you want to join [eVo]?
eVo has been around for a long while and it was always one of the tags you would see in any given lobby. I also feel in the past I played a good amount with some of the eVo guys and it was always a good time.

-What can you bring to [eVo]?
I bring a positive attitude and my eagerness to have fun and mess around. There is nothing better than having a good time and I can guarantee, I know how to show someone a good time ;)

-Do you have any friends in eVo? If so who?
(This does not mean KNOW OF, this means who do you socialize and play with.)
Honestly it has literally been 5 years since I have played with people like Trip and poop who were the more active members at the time. Played with Hat once in a while too, but those days are long gone and I would be shocked if you guys still remember me.

Also include the easiest form of contact, Like Skype, PM, or Discord.
Best form of contact would be discord danny#8566

Thanks for indulging me by reading this app
A hasbeen like the rest
Originally Posted by Tripstone View Post

If you are wondering what are we discussing about...
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
-Age: 18

-GMT: EST (-05:00)

-Past Clans: [AS], (e), (SixPaths)

-Past accounts/Alt accounts:
Armbands, (I have no access to it) ; (e)rror, (my alt, which is in a clan that I made. I honestly just want to keep the alt in it so I can keep the name that way.)

-Why do you still play Toribash today:
I made mods and I'm held highly for it. I used to make mods for ES, which are pretty great. My signature has my modshop/mod showcase.

-What do you hope to achieve, accomplish in the future as a player of Toribash:
Honestly, I just want to be hailed as one of the greatest modders of all time. I want to pioneer the working bow, SSX tricking mods, and BMX tricking mods.

-Why do you want to join [eVo]:
I have a bunch of good buddies in eVo, such as Azazel, Tripstone, and Deprived.

-What can you bring to [eVo]:
I'm a modmaker who hasn't reached his prime yet. I could learn from the guys in [eVo] that do mod. I could also make a bunch of new friends.

-Do you have any friends in [eVo]? If so who:
Azazel and Tripstone. I modded with Azazel and Tripstone and I were buddies when Neunja was still trying to stream.

-Would you be willing to have a voice chat with [eVo] Members via Discord?

-Please tell us some information about yourself, the more the better:
I'm a pretty simple guy. My emotions go to extremes, so there's rarely a middle stage to me. I'm extremely adaptable in modmaking and I've got an enormous mouth, which is one of the reasons I got fired.

Also include the easiest form of contact, Like Skype, PM, or Discord.
Discord: Flesh#6366

BTW: I have a baby penis.
Last edited by Flesh; Aug 9, 2018 at 01:20 PM. Reason: god damnit
EX-Mod Squad '18 | I'M BACK, BABY! | #1 Under The Sun
Posted for discussion, thank you
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3
-Age: 15

-GMT: -5:00

-Past Clans: (Polar)Polar Vortex and (C)Chivalry

-Past accounts/Alt accounts: Tywo5 (Yellow Belt)

-Why do you still play Toribash today?: I play Toribash because of its unique and fun gameplay and because of the new updates that Hampa is making. I'm totally looking forward to Toribash Next!

-What do you hope to achieve, accomplish in the future as a player of Toribash?: I hope to become a better Toribash player in order to create amazing replays using tricking and parkour

-Why do you want to join [eVo]?: I would like to join "Evolution" because unlike my previous clans, is very active when it comes to events and clan wars. I would also like to meet all of the members of this clan so I can have even more fun.

-What can you bring to [eVo]?: I can bring my skills of the Aikido and Boxing mods, that can help with Clan Wars. I will also bring my passion for playing this game by being active in-game, in the forums, and on the Discord weekly.

-Do you have any friends in [eVo]?: If so who?
(This does not mean KNOW OF, this means who do you socialize and play with.): I have none, but I would love to meet them.

-Would you be willing to have a voice chat with [eVo] Members via [URL=]Discord[URL]?: Yes, I would, this could make for some fun hangout rooms to host events like betting servers, recruitment servers, and other things in-game.

-Please tell us some information about yourself, the more the better: Well, I'm Nigerian and I live in the United States. I'm enthusiastic about being creative even though I'm not an artist, and I speak English and was taught Spanish in school. I was born an English-speaker, but my Spanish is total garbage so I rarely try to speak it publicly. I'm better at writing it and reading if anything.

-Also, include the easiest form of contact, Like Skype, PM, or Discord.: Discord and my Toribash email;
Posted for discussion, thanks.

- Drop by our discord to get to know us.
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3