Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
Gouuuuughyyyy, why is my face your backgroundddddd?

Reasons 'n stuff.

I've just made a server out of computer parts I had laying about, so 100% free hardware and software, the OS is ubuntu 14.04.02 server, I've got it running today, so tomorrow I'll be doing the port-forwarding and then I might make the interface or what ever it is called in word-press.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
I'm only good when it comes to hardware, but I'm completely lost in software.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
All i got out of that is Ele's penguin is sexy AF
When (i) Grow Up, I Will Identify As An Attack Helicopter <3
Sometimes (i) realize life is fucking stupid
An awkward attraction toward Creati0n that may have started because of Goughy, and Tuna's Tech Jargon. That's basically what's been happening as of late.
a spoon.