hello, this is my second try at getting in I understand not anyone can just join eVo I stated toribash from watching it on youtube in 2016 and instantly fell in love and I still enjoy it today I want to get better at sparing and realism and flow I hope to join so I can be in a community who can help me with those things, in eVo I know shikkumo,binklawz and azazel. I love this game and its toxic community that's been my second try to get in eVo goodbye.
Last edited by Tripstone; Jun 1, 2018 at 07:32 AM.

-What made you start playing Toribash
Mocucha's videos inspired me, the replays from the many replay makers that have been shown off in his videos really got me going, Flash's video was the one that finally got me into downloading the game, and I just went from there.

-Why do you still play Toribash today?
It's basically my hobby just to get onto the game, and spar/parkour/sparkour/mas whenever I get the chance to, I find it the best way to have fun nowadays for me personally.

-What do you hope to achieve, accomplish in the future as a player of Toribash?
I hope to be recognized for being good at replay making, honestly, I know that may sound greedy for fame, but that's what I've wanted to become ever since I started. I want to become better at replay making, and make my own mini skits like Matarika has done.

-Why do you want to join [eVo]?
This clan is one of the bigger sources of inspiration that got me into playing Toribash in the first place. I want to be part of a clan that can inspire others like it has done for me into, hopefully, playing Toribash as well, though this game is very old, I just hope to find people who enjoy a nice slow game nowadays, good people to play this game with. Also, because I believe it will be really fun to be with you guys.

-Do you have any friends in eVo? If so who?
(This does not mean KNOW OF, this means who do you socialize and play with.)

A person who seems to be in trial right now, Ezio. (Just confirmed with him through discord, he doesn't have an alt by the name of xxezio, the one who told me he was The Ezio.)

- post 3 of your best work on toribash
Since I'm a replay maker, or I consider myself one at least, I will post 5 of my best works.

The rest of your application can be whatever else you may want to include about yourself or information you want us to know.
I also play Brawlhalla, and the old ".io" games, I find them really fun, I whoop the biggest ass on Brawlhalla especially, alandsi or Alandsi is my steam name if you wanna challenge me. Besides games, I'm a meme lover, to be honest I'm into ones that are a little dark, but relatable to me, like any other person around my age group. Also, I'm always active, I'll be on for at least 4 hours a day. Also, I'm hoping my age doesn't take out any chances of me joining.

Also include the easiest form of contact, Like Skype, PM, or Discord.
Discord: NigaWithUhTriga#9386
Steam: alandsi or Alandsi with a dabbing squidward profile picture


Even if rejected, thanks for checking me out.
Attached Files
Sand_Parkour_Success.rpl (623.4 KB, 2 views)
Force_Parkour_G.rpl (672.6 KB, 2 views)
Construction_Parkour_Sunha.rpl (1.61 MB, 2 views)
ZZZParkouringWithScullex.rpl (2.54 MB, 2 views)
Last edited by JaxAtMax; Jun 14, 2018 at 03:16 AM. Reason: I have more to add! And also, I just confirmed with Ezio, that the Ezio I know from my former clan may be a fakie.
Originally Posted by Tripstone View Post
Yes we are

just making sure.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Bossyninja View Post
hello, this is my second try at getting in I understand not anyone can just join eVo I stated toribash from watching it on youtube in 2016 and instantly fell in love and I still enjoy it today I want to get better at sparing and realism and flow I hope to join so I can be in a community who can help me with those things, in eVo I know shikkumo,binklawz and azazel. I love this game and its toxic community that's been my second try to get in eVo goodbye.

Hi, just so you know you didn't put that application into the format we posted in the title post. I respect and honor you are looking for support to help you grow and become more expecienced but that to me is not a valid reason to want to join eVo. We will help and support you regardless of wanting to join, being in, or otherwise. Just catch us whenever and you will probably gets some tips/help from us. You can always search me out and I will help you out as much as I can. This was not an application and will probably be frowned upon and not counted honestly....
If you make a serious app we will (Seriously) read it.
Last edited by Tripstone; Jun 1, 2018 at 07:33 AM.
I've been eager to see if I was accepted to join, and checked each day, and no reply, was I too late to apply?
Originally Posted by JaxAtMax View Post
I've been eager to see if I was accepted to join, and checked each day, and no reply, was I too late to apply?

You have to constantly PM Trip. He forgets sometimes.
Also he likes when people are determinated and insistant.
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