Originally Posted by Sora View Post
Let's play a game then. I will say something and you have to write down what do you think about it. Write minimum 10 words otherwise you lost and think about it seriously.

Let's start with something not so easy but not too hard.
What is the essence of despotism in your opinion?

The essence of despotism? Isnt it what it sounds like someone who's obsessed with power? In my opinion with great power comes great responsibility.
Originally Posted by Dillon View Post
The essence of despotism? Isnt it what it sounds like someone who's obsessed with power? In my opinion with great power comes great responsibility.

Ehmm I don't think it's right. Despots can do everything they are the law and the people exist for the despot, but they only have the great power and not necessarily the responsibility. Just think about it. Imagine the despot is a god. Does he needs to take the responsibility?
yes sir gotta keep the grind going, but i wish the wars were bigger and a lot bigger of a clan variety like in the old days but unfortunately tori ash isn’t exactly the same as it was before in popularity and community but it’s still a good time warring
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
Ehmm I don't think it's right. Despots can do everything they are the law and the people exist for the despot, but they only have the great power and not necessarily the responsibility. Just think about it. Imagine the despot is a god. Does he needs to take the responsibility?

Of course they have to take responsibility what kind of question is that. if they could do everything they wanted the world would of ended years ago lmao. and actually you're wrong the despot exist for the people not the other way around. The government ,policeman,and the fire apartment are all great examples of this.
Last edited by Dillon; May 22, 2020 at 02:27 PM.
Originally Posted by Dillon View Post
Of course they have to take responsibility what kind of question is that. if they could do everything they wanted the world would of ended years ago lmao. and actually you're wrong the despot exist for the people not the other way around. The government ,policeman,and the fire apartment are all great examples of this.

If you think like that then what's the difference between a despot and a president xd

Nope nope. That's not a despot anymore. A despot can do anything they want, but they won't since that won't benefit him. Search it on Google. A despot is a ruler with absolute authority and power. Therefore, no one can oppose him.
Last edited by NOTITLE; May 22, 2020 at 04:54 PM.