Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Gamerz; it's not about how many stuff you post. It's more important to communicate and to be with the daily flow. Try to keep up the constructive communication buddy, like jumping in on a post about their job and asking what you would also like to know.. You know?
Do you guys from the USA only have 6hours daily? I remember that I had 8 hours like 3/5 days
The finish example is thousand times better though, PISA proofs this too

Wish that I could tour through Europe at will too, seriously. Italy is such a beautiful country, I can't tell. I have some awesome pictures from my last stop in Sardinian.
Traveling experiences are the most valuable ones in young ages, if you ask me.
I wish you yet a lot of fun

Guys.. What the faggots how dare you
I'm randomly busy after weeks of being active and you waited for this moment to start the good discussions. After all those random trash talk
Or do you wanna hide your natural neurologic located disorders (was that right?) from our new people

Edit: Alphasonik - what is it called? I might have missed that.
I wanted to do exactly that before I came to the decision to draw instead. I guess you are very creative at work huh

Rooyall - Like Nobody said, Hodensack is a typical word in everybody's mouth these days.
Except Jtank, he never talks about stuff he doesn't know about right :')
Last edited by Aikanaro; Feb 14, 2015 at 01:04 AM.
Wish that I could tour through Europe at will too, seriously. Italy is such a beautiful country, I can't tell. I have some awesome pictures from my last stop in Sardinian.
Traveling experiences are the most valuable ones in young ages, if you ask me.
I wish you yet a lot of fun

Yeah, there's so many beautiful places in the world that you can't possibly see them all in your lifetime. So far the prettiest place I've seen would be Krka lakes, I might've mentioned it here before. I sort of would love to travel and see more, on the other hand travelling is super taxing for me, hell, even leaving my house is pretty draining experience. I might be unsuited for that.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
What is what called, Aik?

I still love my Conveyor Belt, haha.

Starting to prefer print over web, the look and feel of printed paper is so awesome, I really want to design some cool brochures or something.
And sure, I can help you guys with designing a bit. But please remember it's my job, I can't spend a lot of time since I simply don't have it.

Falling in love with inDesign a bit.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Jtank: That's the deal, you have to pay way too much right.. Imagine this all to be free. Like a card for young people to show in trains so that they can experience foreign country's and cultures till age 25 for example. I would wish that for my kids

I meant your job. Mine would be 'technician draughtsman'
I'm actually in the German air force though
Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
Jtank: That's the deal, you have to pay way too much right.. Imagine this all to be free. Like a card for young people to show in trains so that they can experience foreign country's and cultures till age 25 for example. I would wish that for my kids

Even so, there are still other costs... Survival in foreign country or in general during a trip is more expensive. Also there's the alternative cost - during the time you spent travelling, you could've been studying / working.
And another thing is I'm socially disabled and generally a hermit so travelling, while an attractive thing to do, seems rather terrifying to me no matter what. You could call it a phobia. I'm not good at finding locations and shit like that, and some polfags (especially powas) can confirm that.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
Wish that I could tour through Europe at will too, seriously. Italy is such a beautiful country, I can't tell. I have some awesome pictures from my last stop in Sardinian.
Traveling experiences are the most valuable ones in young ages, if you ask me.
I wish you yet a lot of fun

The one place, and I really mean one place, I really WANT to see before I die is Iceland. To me it always just seems like this magical place. Also Sigur Rós is from there and I kinda wanna soak in some of the stuff that inspired them.

Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
I sort of would love to travel and see more, on the other hand travelling is super taxing for me, hell, even leaving my house is pretty draining experience. I might be unsuited for that.

Yeah, I'm with you. Travelling to places is really annoying. I mean I used to go to Austria with my parents to do some mountain bike stuff. And the drive there was just so damn draining every time. Even just going to bike parks in Germany really got to me. I can't really sit somewhere and do nothing for hours.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Starting to prefer print over web, the look and feel of printed paper is so awesome, I really want to design some cool brochures or something.
And sure, I can help you guys with designing a bit. But please remember it's my job, I can't spend a lot of time since I simply don't have it.

Falling in love with inDesign a bit.

Haha, I know that feeling. I used to really like print and had these romantic thoughts/ideas about that somewhat dying technology. But having done it for a bit at Uni now and having been at a large scale printing company to do slave work for two days (was supposed to do an internship there but they kinda fucked me over with that) I kinda prefer digital these days. Maybe just because I wanna get more into programming type things atm.

And yeah, inDesign is pretty neat. I personally still prefer Illustrator of PS for pretty much anything but I can see why people like and use it. It has a pretty nice work flow though.
Well, paper has much more design options than web has, excluding animation, of course.
Do you not like designing for paper?

Ai for logos and vector illustrations, Ps for heavy altering of pixel images and website design layout, inDesign for everything else. The Object, Paragraph and Character Styles are just too powerful. It's almost like CSS but for an entire booklet!

Have worked in the programs for years and years but starting to become super efficient now.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Brrr. Design. I'm so terribly out of ideas when it comes to any imagery it's almost laughable. I have some decent degree of creativity, but not when it comes to that one branch of art. At least I'm better at coming up with other things/ideas :f

By the way it feels nice having so much free time, wasting entirety of it in my room, not studying shit or whatever. Just watching animu, checking out new music, playing some vidya from time to time. 10/10.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Massive fucking post inbound, watch out.

Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
Gamerz; it's not about how many stuff you post. It's more important to communicate and to be with the daily flow. Try to keep up the constructive communication buddy, like jumping in on a post about their job and asking what you would also like to know.. You know?
Do you guys from the USA only have 6hours daily? I remember that I had 8 hours like 3/5 days
The finish example is thousand times better though, PISA proofs this too

Wish that I could tour through Europe at will too, seriously. Italy is such a beautiful country, I can't tell. I have some awesome pictures from my last stop in Sardinian.
Traveling experiences are the most valuable ones in young ages, if you ask me.
I wish you yet a lot of fun

Guys.. What the faggots how dare you
I'm randomly busy after weeks of being active and you waited for this moment to start the good discussions. After all those random trash talk
Or do you wanna hide your natural neurologic located disorders (was that right?) from our new people

Edit: Alphasonik - what is it called? I might have missed that.
I wanted to do exactly that before I came to the decision to draw instead. I guess you are very creative at work huh

Rooyall - Like Nobody said, Hodensack is a typical word in everybody's mouth these days.
Except Jtank, he never talks about stuff he doesn't know about right :')

Travelling is pretty much the only big thing other than maybe culinary experiences and shit that you can do in older ages as well once one has established a life after university etc to really relax for a while and do something out of the ordinary. I love travelling and try to do so at every possible occasion. I'm going to russia in march for a week with my mother and then on the trip back stay in moscow for 3 days too, it'll be baller. And in the summer I'll have a nice vacation for 2 weeks in egypt which I'm looking forward to alot as well. Glad you're back Aika. xoxo

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
What is what called, Aik?

I still love my Conveyor Belt, haha.

Starting to prefer print over web, the look and feel of printed paper is so awesome, I really want to design some cool brochures or something.
And sure, I can help you guys with designing a bit. But please remember it's my job, I can't spend a lot of time since I simply don't have it.

Falling in love with inDesign a bit.

You think so? I mean I love the feeling paper gives you, hence why I love newspapers so much more than online news sites, but it's just inconvenient sometimes. Plus there's so much that you can do graphical wise in an online site compared to a newspaper. Magazines on the other hand are more free in that respect.

Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
Jtank: That's the deal, you have to pay way too much right.. Imagine this all to be free. Like a card for young people to show in trains so that they can experience foreign country's and cultures till age 25 for example. I would wish that for my kids

I meant your job. Mine would be 'technician draughtsman'
I'm actually in the German air force though

Yeah, traveling cost is such an inhibiting factor. Not only the cost of living and suriving like JtanK said, but exactly the opportunity cost that you have, not being home, working, making more money. But what do you do with all the money if you never have the gut to say fuck it and spend some. Travelling is probably the most mature and responsible way to spend money in a good manner. (obviously there's exceptions to every rule and people might have different opinions about that)

Originally Posted by flxy View Post
The one place, and I really mean one place, I really WANT to see before I die is Iceland. To me it always just seems like this magical place. Also Sigur Rós is from there and I kinda wanna soak in some of the stuff that inspired them.

Yeah, I'm with you. Travelling to places is really annoying. I mean I used to go to Austria with my parents to do some mountain bike stuff. And the drive there was just so damn draining every time. Even just going to bike parks in Germany really got to me. I can't really sit somewhere and do nothing for hours.

Haha, I know that feeling. I used to really like print and had these romantic thoughts/ideas about that somewhat dying technology. But having done it for a bit at Uni now and having been at a large scale printing company to do slave work for two days (was supposed to do an internship there but they kinda fucked me over with that) I kinda prefer digital these days. Maybe just because I wanna get more into programming type things atm.

And yeah, inDesign is pretty neat. I personally still prefer Illustrator of PS for pretty much anything but I can see why people like and use it. It has a pretty nice work flow though.

Iceland sure seems like a really cool place. Nature and all that jazz. I want to go north of the north polar circle and see the arctic lights for once in real life. One of my best friends actually will go to siberia with his father and a friend of his who lives there. He has a cabin there in bumfucknowhere and they will go hunt, drink and chill and experience untouched nature first hand. They invited me to come but sadly I think I don't have the funds for that. It's a goddamn shame.

Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Brrr. Design. I'm so terribly out of ideas when it comes to any imagery it's almost laughable. I have some decent degree of creativity, but not when it comes to that one branch of art. At least I'm better at coming up with other things/ideas :f

By the way it feels nice having so much free time, wasting entirety of it in my room, not studying shit or whatever. Just watching animu, checking out new music, playing some vidya from time to time. 10/10.

I should totally start my pixelart again lmao. Currently free too, only working in the evenings for a couple of hours waiting tables, having fun, eating a nice meal for free afterwards, having a beer, going home. Getting shit done during the day in my new flat and whatnot. It's the best.
You can fold stuff with print, have the ends of the paper in different colours to show index or some sort, or make it look like something, it smells great, it feels great, it has a natural texture that you can see, it's not always perfect, you have different kinds of paper, it's layered which you can do endless things with, paper absorbs ink and different materials differently which is cool, there's so many kinds to bind the booklet.

I really feel I can be more creative offline than online.
Online kinda feels boring, sometimes.

And of course, animation is interesting, but I'd rather stare at paper than at my screen.
Paper doesn't give me headaches.

Right now I'm working on booklets and timetables for my internship, alongside with video.
9 - 18 (sometimes 19) everyday is kinda hard, I get sleepy around 21, go to bed at 23 every night.
Usually went to sleep around 3..
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.