Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Well there we have some interesting things
I will add this guys:
  • Jokes are allowed, we dont have to be a bunch of bored guys posting serious things, feel free to post jokes but dont get out of topic (getting racist/sexual jokes)
  • The infractions will work in the following way: you have 2 infraction warnings (which last one week, from sunday to sunday) if you get both you are banned from the thread for the rest of the week, if you post while being banned you will be kicked no matter if its a shit post or not.
  • About warring: warring died when school started here in Argentina, I would usually war with Zed or some other guys, we can start actively warring in one month time
  • Not only sparring bt all kind of replay making is the base of this clan, as long as, ofc, its related to martial arts (tricking/realistic moves in ukebashing/sparring/parkouring)
  • About the recruitment: yeah we can do the votes things. However I will have the last decition since I already have enough experience to know if its a clan hoper/ annoying person, etc. Nevertheless, I will do take your opinion in consideration (I wont say no to a guy who has 3 yes and 0 no)
  • your post will not be consider a shit post if it has more than 10 words, a few of them on topic, emojis doesnt count as words (lol, xD, :P, bethween others)

Hello Borgano.

Onsola: looks good to me, gj. But if i (example) get kicked because the infractions things i can apply again in 1 month or something?.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Its Bognanno*

Its okey.

Same, Onsola not send the invitation but i think that im in. I will wait.

About the infraction, idk if 1 week or 1 month. Onsola says.
oh damn infractions. ill have to do more than just a once every 2 weeks post or something. and just for future reference ill be spending my whole winter break in canada snowboarding my ass off so i don't know if ill be posting a lot during that time period
Also I think a 'no jokes or kick' is too authoritarian.
gives off a feeling of dictatorship, i think jokes should be allowed.. unless the whole post is a joke

Yeah, I think this is a good system of rules.. except my ideas are stolen and someone is giving credit to the wrong guy cougharakatacough

Originally Posted by Arakata View Post
Best idea.

I say yes for this rule

What the actual fuck?
It's my idea, creds go to me.
dud wtf and we havent warred for a while that makes me remind of warring with people who dont know how to accept war invitations XD
"inSerT iNspiRatIonaL qUoTe hErE"
Seems out of topic^^

We go confirmation from the leader,so the anti shitpost bill has turned into the anti shitpost law

Sr. Bognanno,ii dont think you were accepted :/
Np if i dont be accepted.

I think that if MAU want become official, need that rules of 10 words because for be official need have a lot of high quality posts, active members (10) or more, etc.

Its good for you.

If i not accepted i can apply in other time.
Yep, we are going to put that into account. Thanks for the opinion. Good luck with finding a clan
But if the co-leader Gruszex said that im in a trial.

I dont be rejected.

Im in a trial for 3 days.

Give me good luck!

Tell me about the clan, your ages, where you from, etc
You can easily see when it was created, then you can see the story on first page. You know where I come from.
Running away...