Endurance Onslaught 6.0
guy has a deku avy, i like him.

it's a yes from me

-but you should make a paint drawing of what you think this years CL result is gonna be to ensure your acceptance *thumbs up*
Driving through hell, and I done brought snow.
Originally Posted by Belly View Post
guy has a deku avy, i like him.

it's a yes from me

-but you should make a paint drawing of what you think this years CL result is gonna be to ensure your acceptance *thumbs up*

https://imgur.com/a/e9Zt6x8 <3
Originally Posted by Jojo View Post
Name:Joe you can call me by my nickname hence my ingame name (jojo)


GMT: -6 or Central Standard Time (I live in the great state of Texas YE HAWW)

Replays:Uh I can provide some if needed But I don't have a lot just got a new laptop.

Competitive game mode:I can pretty much play any mod if needed stress on the needed part.But mainly I would say I am pretty good in boxshu as I've gained experience from dueling the big guys (iTemp,Shmevin,Rose,Felnin,etc list the goes on).I am a decent ABD player from my hearings but I feel much more adequate in Boxshu. Another mod I have been getting my grasps on recently is lenshu. As I see more and more players start dueling in lenshu I know I'm gonna have to improve my game in all overall competitive mods. I do think I can contribute pretty fairly in this upcoming Clan League if accepted. I also feel like overall I am an above average player Imo of course.

Some general stuff about yourself:I am Mexican uhh I am in middle school right now (8th grade) I am pretty funny (In my opinion) But I can also flip a switch and become serious very fast depending on the topic at hand.I do play sports mainly football but I mix in a little of everything Basketball,Track and field,Hell I even did a little tennis. I love working out it just feels me with adrenaline and pumps me up,It also feels very addicting to me for some reason (Don't know if that is healthy). I started playing around summer of 2015 and I don't remember why But I really enjoyed the game at the time and played everyday.I didn't start taking the game seriously and trying to make myself a better player till late 2016.Back in 2015 I had watched people duel and always found it fun to watch and wondered how they were so good and could put so much tc or items on the line and perform under the pressure. So since I first started I always wanted to prove myself as a good player or just above average player like these duelers and just all around good players. I don't know what happened but Mid way through 2017 I lost passion for a game I couldn't go a day without playing once and just gave up and took a break until January of 2019. When I picked this game back up the first person I really interacted with and made me enjoy this game again was a clan named Spark. This was before they got official so most of them were chill. I enjoyed my time sorta and I really enjoyed when a bunch of us from the clan and out of the clan would voice chat and just have a good time. Eventually I left because of the way the clan was being lead by Gang and co. The next clan I joined after that was [py] and that was about in early march. I just recently left because of how inactive the clan was and the lacking roster on it to actually compete in CL. After cross and artisan left who I really thought were the only decent players and people I warred with I felt lonely in that clan which lead to me leaving and now I'm here knocking on a promising clan for an invite xD. I am pretty chill with the community as long they don't leave a sour taste in my mouth. I also have some people in this clan I would consider friends or people I don't despise. For example:Pill,Crollex,Anxiety,Winter,Counter,Belly, Jobo and I think I can name like 2 or 3 others But at the end of the day I know it comes down to a group choice as it should be to decide on whether or not I get in.Other than the basics I want to join because I want a competitive clan for this years upcoming CL and even after this years CL. Thank you for taking time out of your day and reading my application

Accepted for trial. *Celebratory trumpet*
Hello, [Obey]

Name: oi I'm known as Damien or Pedro
Age I'm 17
GMT: -5 United States
Replays: Don't have very many, just random boxshu replays I thought were cool, but I plan on making spar or parkour replays and i could send them when I get a chance.
Competitive game modes (or other strengths)I usually play boxshu or abd, I'd say I'm pretty good at them and if I were to rate myself it'd be an 8 or a 7 out of 10 due to the fact I don't really play toribash much anymore but I try. I'm a pretty quiet person i don't talk much unless I'm talked to
Some general stuff about yourself (we want to know about you) I am a pretty chill person if you talk to me a lot. also, I have the self-control to not cause toxicity cause as i said before (I'm a pretty quiet person) I usually share music interests with others. I've been playing since 2017 nd just got custom belt just recently cause ya know at the time i had no life (lmao). Oh, i guess I should say what recent clans I have been in, let's see here uh I was in [py] (ex-pillar or co-lead whichever you wanna call it), [TANG] was just a member overall great clan because of most of the members but wasn't for me. I was also in [a] now that clan was pretty quiet and not very many people talked to me so i felt out of place but ya know it's still a good clan but too many staff members (#staffClan). Now (e) known as Err0r or something like that i was only in that for a short time because everyone left. i was known as maki at the time. I was in other irrelevant clans too but those aren't important and they were a waste of time. I guess i should let you know my past names, i did name one (maki) i was cutie, which was my previous name then i changed to witch. My original name was really stupid (HxCxChaos) don't know what i was thinking when i made that name but whatever. Anyway yeah, I wasted a whole lot of tc on dumb names.
Okay about myself now, I live in the United States. Of course. I live in the east area. I'm from New York but I live in Pennsylvania now. My childhood is kinda rough but I mean who's life wasn't. I play very little video games(Xbox One, pc) such as (Rainbow Six Siege, Overwatch, Toribash (ofc), used to play call of duty grew out of that game though.

Well, that's all i guess (not as interesting you probably wont read the entire thing lmao) If I missed anything just let me know or whatever
Major Music Consumer
i’m inactive, pls don’t bother me
Hey all
Name: My name is Jacob.

Age: I turned 16 just last month


Replays: who the fuck saves replays?

Competitive game modes: AikidoBigDojo, Boxshu and TK. Although I mainly play ABD and Boxshu and my best all around mod would be ABD.

Some general stuff about yourself: I found Toribash in early 2017 and I've have been playing off and on ever since I couldn't for the life of me tell you why I decided to stick around I'm currently a 10th dan black belt i usually have all the time in the world to play Toribash so I'm super active ingame my forum activity is uh spotty.I'm apart of Event Squad and have been for a couple of months I've been in quite a few clans I'll list the more known ones [py],[w],[nitro] and [re] R.I.P [re]tard I've also had quite a few names since I've joined most notable ones being Shadow2090 Violet [re]tard and of course now i'm Relax. Outside of Toribash I'd say I'm a pretty competitive person in general anything I do have to be at least decent at it if not above average at it. I draw stuff occasionally because why not. I play basketball and dabble in other things such as Soccer you're wrong if you call it Football. If I'm not outside playing sports I'm inside wasting away my life on my computer, reading comics or books I find interesting i'm constantly looking for new music and i'm pretty open to new genres so if you have any suggestions on things for me to listen to tell me.

This concludes my application to Obey,thank you for considering me to possibly be apart of Obey and have a wonderful rest of your day.