I'm busy with school 6 hours of the day, but I'm very forum active. Before the post gets forgotten anything else you want to know about me?
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Interesting, are you working there, or studying, or what makes you move all over europe? I'm from Germany, born and raised.

I studied in Hungary last years, finished the past summer on graphic design. And other than that I'm just visiting my mother in places she is at that moment. She's going to be in Italy this year so going to check that place out as well.

Germany is nice, I have quite a few german buddies, tho my german is very limited. I know some basic words like hodensack and all those very important ones, haha.
Originally Posted by XxGamerzz View Post
I'm busy with school 6 hours of the day, but I'm very forum active. Before the post gets forgotten anything else you want to know about me?

I think that should be it, just try to hang out in irc as much as possible and involve in the forums.

Originally Posted by Rooyall View Post
I studied in Hungary last years, finished the past summer on graphic design. And other than that I'm just visiting my mother in places she is at that moment. She's going to be in Italy this year so going to check that place out as well.

Germany is nice, I have quite a few german buddies, tho my german is very limited. I know some basic words like hodensack and all those very important ones, haha.

Oh graphic design is nice, I know somebody who's interested in that and is contemplating studying that or product design. It's cool to see that you get to see so much of europe. And yes, Hodensack is an absolute staple of the german vocabulary, I don't even know how people could live without it.

Anyone dressing up for carnival?
Roo is better than me, to give you an idea of what he can do.

My internship consists of coming up with visual communication campaigns for all kinds of companies.
It's really interesting and helps me to become more professional and more importantly, more commercial.

Think of business cards, flyers, posters, websites, logotypes, house styles, photography campaigns,
audio visual outings but also giving training in how to get in touch with your client better.

They're pretty commercial, but they approach it with a nice attitude.
It's not just designing, it's thinking of a great idea before starting to design.
As where I used to design whatever I thought was beautiful.

I'm learning a lot.

I dislike carnaval, to be honest.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Yeah, fuck carnival, fuck dressing up, fuck leaving my hermitage.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Yeah, fuck carnival, fuck dressing up, fuck leaving my hermitage.

This pretty much. I used to be kinda hyped about carnival but I don't really drink anymore and I've grown to dislike parties. So I'm just gonna enjoy the coziness of my room and try to do productive things.

Alpha, that sounds like some really interesting stuff. I've been interested in Design things for ages (which is also why I'm doing Mediaproduction at Uni atm). You gotta design some stuff for us at some point. To show off your newly acquired skills and knowledge obviously :^)
Getting close to 530 posts. Man how time fly's bye, its only been 1 year and a half. I remember my first post as if it was yesterday. As shitty as the ones I still post today, but hey who's complaining.
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "
I have an average of like 10 posts a day. Fuckin incredible I went from a post a day to this. I also wish I had a custom belt. I'd name my custom belt either One Belt to see how many people would believe or Grey Belt
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
"01000001 01100010 01110010 01100001 01111000 01100001 01110011 "