Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Free fall: i really like this replay, i think it just appeals to me personally, there's a lot of stuff in it that i like and i can't say no to this.

Chip off the old block: nice opener. you know how to move around and it looks good, but it's not the focus of the replay
the focus of the replay is the first few hits holy shit. the elbow-abs-wrist combo was fantastic.

after the decap you get into a weird position at 190, but you are smart enough not to kick off the ground since that would completely not work, as your lumbar region is really distorted (it's bending to the left iirc) and you would end up with a wonky push off the ground while your tori looked like a pretzel. you decide to do a slow transition, which makes the weird lumbar position a lot less noticeable. i know people would criticize this decision because what you do afterwards is "slow", but i have no problem with slow as long as it looks good. generally being fast is move effective, as in it gets you from point A to point B faster and it allows for more powerful hits, but everything you did would have not been different had you been going fast.

i also like your decision to lift the piece again instead of kicking right away, it gives you more space and time to set up for the hit. another good replay, so far so good.

One hit wonder: nice display of flipping around and quick switching of support limbs. total control during the opener, which is GOODO~

hits were nice, although not very creative. it doesn't bother me though, since the other two replays you posted already showed that you are more than capable of doing quirky hits and being creative with your dms, Free fall especially. also, i really like the transition to the pose, although i'm not sure i agree with the fast left knee extension. the pose was a bit stiff too, but those are minor complaints compared to the good stuff you did in all of the 3 replays.

the execution in this replay is pretty damn good, so this one is good enough for me aswell. yes from me, i'll wait a bit to see if anyone wishes to chime in

While I agree with pusga's points on some of the parts not being very creative I feel like something is missing from the replays. Everything else is there yes, but I feel its missing something that truly makes these replays yours.
I'm kinda on the fence with this one, but I'll think it over and give my final result this afternoon. You can post a replay to try and change my mind though, but its not necessary.
Kinda waiting on how Tsuion feels about these as well, but again I'll have my final answer in about 3 hours or something.

also nicolas, I'll review your app once I get home I'm kinda in a rush.

edit: its gonna take longer than I had thought, its basically thanksgiving in canada right now, so I apologize I have things to do. When all the celebrations are done, I'll get to the reviews as soon as I can.
Last edited by MrJingles; Oct 11, 2015 at 10:10 PM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
@Static: I feel that he has the audacity to be in ormo.

As pusga said, the last replay wasn't as good as the first two, however from the first two it is obvious that he has the creativity to be a great replaymaker. Despite the mistakes and little things he could've corrected I think he should be in ormo.

I say yes.

to Static: I bet you feel... ecSTATIC. kill me now

writing nicholas's thing hold on


btw im not making fun of you in my signature we all say silly things this is irrelevant sorry

-I poop every day:

I feel like it was unnecessary for you to have self-damage one, but watevs.

The opener is simple, and the lift was a bit weird to me, idk why.

The first kick had some dms that I couldn't tell if they were legitimate or not. Your punch at f363 seems to phase through a leg a bit, which might've caused to glitch the replay.

During your first kick the body sortve thrusts into your foot, (f291). Additionally, you grabbing uke to make that kick sort've kills uke's momentum.

The manip and followup couldve been way better.

After your kick, you're in a super weird position, and you keep it. It makes you look stiff.

Your headbutt at 254 was less than extravagant.

The dms at 250 don't even make sense... What? I mean it can't even be a bruise glitch. I dunno if it's the fact that you might have a glitched replay, or what.

Not much of your torso moved during you kicking uke. Look kinda stiff :l


Opener was simplistic af.

Can't tell if you were serious in this.

I've seen a lot of people do this.

Doesn't really show me that you can make great replays.


Opener was cool. Your arms are a bit stiff during the first 35 frames though.

I don't like your left arm, how it contracts and extends repeatedly. Your momentum pretty much hides this though. Your left is twitchy during f45-f35.

This probably was the coolest one to me out of the three. It might be because of the momentum, i dunno.

For now, it's a no. You have potential, however you must refine your movements dood :c

Flawless stuff like Potato is what we're looking for, except maybe longer and with more stuff going on.
Last edited by Tsuion; Oct 12, 2015 at 03:15 AM.
tsu tsu cuckoo
HO OH HA ok so am I in? the wait has killed me
also thanks pusga and tsuion. tsuion nice joke <3
Last edited by Static; Oct 12, 2015 at 03:09 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You're in Static congrats!
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/