Originally Posted by Patrickooo View Post

Trust me, this is definitely going to change.
Speak your wise words Karbn ^-^ remember who's on stake.

You wanna fight >-> I'll fight to stake my claim for greed's virginity
Who's your daddy
Last edited by Patrickooo; Feb 15, 2018 at 05:34 PM.
█████ Vector █████
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Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
You wanna fight >-> I'll fight to stake my claim for greed's virginity

No one has bullied Greed as much as me, you'll never beat me in that point :^)
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Originally Posted by Greed View Post
Yes i am always being bullied.

You won't anymore now that you're part of the big boy clan, greed!
Greed is a really big boi with good internet connection so he wont ping <3 :^)
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Originally Posted by Fr0styCube View Post
you sure?

¿Why do he have {vector} instead of [vector]?
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by Fr0styCube View Post
you sure?

I've never seen such an intense argument waow
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar