Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
mainly League of Legends, Tekken 7 and osu!

Never understood how Osu is even played ... looks so unlogical

Originally Posted by Axels View Post
CS:GO, would not call myself gamer xD.

You are a shame to the gaming community!

Originally Posted by Taekkyo View Post
Minecraft and Terraria [main games]

Minecraft for me personally is so much better than Terraria, cant even compare those two
albion online toribash dota2 Minecraft path of exiles mabinogi some others I don't remember off hand
Frost Rocked my ass with a wooden spoon
oh yeah I dropped both Path of Exile and Grand Chase a while, I'm planning to come back but I don't know when
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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Hello everyone!

Lets get a new topic going.

What do you all think about the Corona Virus Outbreak and the quarantines in different countries?
Specifically in Bulgaria the Quarantine is pretty much over, most restaurants and bars are opening and starts looking like it was before the corona ever existed

How about you all? Hope you are all alright and your close relatives as well