Hi, My name is Katie Escoto i'm half american half Mexican i was born from mexico then at the age of 4 i was moved to Arkansas. I barely know any Spanish because of moved so early.

I'm 17 now my birthday was months ago June,18th my favorite song to listen is Marian Hill "Down" i'm a girl/women i take no disrespect from others who talk to me some type of rude way like i'm not gonna do anything.

I'm very competitive in aikidobigdojo i'm a good player in that also in regular aikido. also in judo, I win a lot of tourneys in aikidobigdojo everytime.In every aikido mod i will probalby end up with 4 streaks or more.

I'm a gamer and also very active on anygame i would love. The will be one of these games i love of what they put into the games like, clans, items EVERYTHING.

- Well that's it-
Hey [Obey], My real name Is Brandon, I'm 17 and I live in Australia (GMT+10). I've been playing for about 2 years and I'm going to be Improving over the years to come. I would love to join [Obey] because I feel as If it would be more of a family more so than just friends. I'm not really the warring type of guy although I'm always willing to do so If the clan needs me. Whatever is needed to be Improved or worked on to be part of [Obey] I'm willing to do whatever necessary to become a member. My Competitive game modes would be ABD, Lenshu and Taekkyon; these game modes are the ones I love to play, although there are others but these are the main ones I really enjoy and am good at.

Sorry it's a bit rushed guy's, I'm not the best at applications.
Last edited by Hung; Nov 6, 2018 at 01:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Feel free to join our discord, you will more likely get accepted if people know you and enjoy your company
I apologise for this post.