Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
Get well soon, Wizard. Just make some magic spells on that


Lol this made me laugh. Thanks .


Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Sorry for my recent inactivity, lots of things to do and so little time. Hope you guys are alright.

Fuck you, fired.

Nah, I'm having terrible time atm. Exam period, lots of studying and my sleeping pattern got utterly destroyed by making a hand drawn project (which got passing grade today at least).

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Fuck you, fired.

Nah, I'm having terrible time atm. Exam period, lots of studying and my sleeping pattern got utterly destroyed by making a hand drawn project (which got passing grade today at least).

Nice, one left to bully out.
Than the clan is mine

Good luck on your work
Originally Posted by Aikanaro View Post
Nice, one left to bully out.
Than the clan is mine

you wish

First exam on monday, I'll probably study for it sometime soon. Anyway, I just got myself icon texture again, any ideas for what to put in it? It displays as 32x32 afaik, for now I'm using doomy shit

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Is that doom? Or where is that icon from? Seems familiar.

Also check out my new avatar, signature combo. Pretty swell, right? :^)

how i feel right now
Last edited by Shrook; Feb 1, 2015 at 04:20 AM. Reason: I'M SICK OF THIS LIFE I JUST WANNA SCREAM HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME
[11:18:16] <~JtanK> holy shit
[11:18:22] <~JtanK> I had fuckton of dreams this night
[11:18:26] <~JtanK> and I remember at least two

1. For our uni class, something like construction or shit, they told us to make a project. Buuuuuut instead of it being something logical, because it's a dream, they told us to make a movie and the theme was "fighting women", and they gave us shitton of war literature and stuff and it was supposed to be about shit like sacrifice and so on, but instead majority of people included clips from mortal kombat or stret fighter "because it's fighting too lol". I remember sitting down in one of my uni's buildings (or not so much, it seemed more like a church or a cathedral and there isn't such building in my uni, but I believed it was in my uni) and took out my laptop and opened sony vegas or something and started editing the movie 1h before classes starting because somebody told me about some additional requirement that my movie didn't meet. That's as much as I remember. Fucking weird.

2. This one had advanced plot. Sadly I don't remember all of it, but it seemed like a movie. There were two ~teen or maybe younger girls, not sure if they were sisters or just best friends, but they were renting a 1-room-flat and living together with very old lady (like, extremely old). What's more the old lady had a whole metric fuckton of small pets/animals like rats, mice, frogs, hamsters; nothing bigger than a cat tho. And all of those animals were self-aware and able to talk. And I remember at some point grandma's condition got really bad and she was taken to a hospital somewhat far away, and it was declared she badly needs an extremely rare medicine, basically unobtainable here. So the animals and the two girls made up a plan to get that medicine, and the girls embarked on a journed on an old steam train. I don't remember much from that but I know that the journey started in winter (because heavy snow) and it included travelling through hot countries, like India or Africa. Also I thiiiiink but I'm not sure that the India they visited could've been in british-colony state which could hint that the story takes place long time ago. Anyway I don't know how exactly the girls obtain the medicine (but I assume they collected pieces of it because they pretty much visited whole world) and go back home in spring. Either the train station is really close to their house/room or the train stopped directly before their house room, but anyway the girls are almost getting off the train and then the whole army of small animals come to greet them. The frog who seemed to be a bit of a more important figure amongst them went forward and, like it was declared in the plan, held up a glass jug or something, and the girls poured thick red medicine from some kind of tap (not sure what the tap was attached to, it could've been a big bottle or a tank in the train). Then I remember this one line of "dialogue", with the frog saying: "Thank you, with this our lady will happily live with us forever more... or that's what I would say if it wasn't for the fact that she passed away few months ago."
Then there's the part for crying, girls telling the animals about their journey, the animals telling girls that after the old lady died, they were taken away and either thrown into streets or sold to shops or whatever (that's when both I and the heroes-girls notice that some animals are mangled, for example few mice are like, stuffed and thus immobile, but they still see things and can talk but other animals carry them) and tell story about how some of them managed to escape and then either freed or bought out the rest of animals and eventually got all of them back and lived in the flat.
I don't remember what happened later, but I assume the girls bought the flat and there was that "ever after" part, not happily ever after due to old lady's death, but then again it was bittersweet since they strenghtened their bond of friendship yada yada and girls learned a lot on their journey and so on.

That fucking dream.

I should probably stop drinking alcohol.
Last edited by JtanK; Feb 4, 2015 at 11:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Jesus Christ JtanK. :|

I'm gonna read your novel in the next couple of days when I have more time on my hands, lmao.