Put me in your sig as your sex slave and I'll consider it.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Originally Posted by ShiftV3 View Post
so i just got home from the hospital, its like 06:01 over here now..
Me and some friends was at this party getting our drunk on etc. so me and a bud goes downtown the get some kebab. then we get this call from a friend crting n shit saying our bestfriend was rushed to hospital with major head injuris. so we grab two random bikes and rush to the hospital... and we find our friend coverd in blood with all these wiers in his body. what happend was that he suddenly blacked out and hit his head against the concrete asphalt, started bleeding out of his mouth and scary shit. he is now stabile but if my friend wasn`t with him when it happend, he could have died. just felt like sharing...

Problem highlighted
That is scary, my cousin got drunk went to a party and fell out of a car busted his head on the ground and is now in a coma, can't talk, just opened his eyes, the doctors say he has a 20% chance of living and if he lives he will be a vegetable, live the rest of his life in a hospital.