He hates me or whatever it is

" You have right to choose, and i have right to cancel it "
That's the point
What i did to you people?
Why everyone call me retard?
* sad face *

Kebiasaan orang Indonesia, emosi di pake terus:"(
I can't even play this game
Errmmm...sorry andro...
mood gw waktu nulis itu lagi bete banget
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
but seriously,
keluar dar Organisasi Negara ? what, what's the point, man....
there's no 'quiting' from a Country Org...
you can do what the fuck you want but there's no 'quiting', this is not a clan yo.
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
Got any questions ? Throw me a PM or just mention @toriabiz on Twitter
Tri : Santai bro
Toriabiz : The hell?
I didn't say i quit. Please read clearly...
Anyway i'm at trial phase, right?
I can't even play this game
Originally Posted by ANDROIDex View Post
He hates me or whatever it is

Don't make your conclusion too fast, he's trying to be firm but, in a wrong way
Originally Posted by ANDROIDex View Post
" You have right to choose, and i have right to cancel it "
That's the point
What i did to you people?
Why everyone call me retard?
* sad face *

You are in control of everything you do
Peoples can argue, criticize, etcetera
If they mention your weakness, cover it
Are you weak or what ?
Originally Posted by Tricerafi View Post
Errmmm...sorry andro...
mood gw waktu nulis itu lagi bete banget

You should really think twice before you post
This guy lost his confidence
Originally Posted by ANDROIDex View Post
Anyway i'm at trial phase, right?

Yes you are
Have you made your decision yet ?
Please bring back Organiζations board
I know.... i just hate someone who call me retard but they don't look their self.

Anyway i made up my mind and it says " cna i join? " heh what you say?
I can't even play this game
Do NOT mix personal feelings with work.
I do not care if someone killed your mum last night and the guy apply, you still have to accept if he made a good application.