Been trying to get into SceneSite modelling for ages now and I finally got an "audition" today. So I got a small photoshoot. I've done them before but this one seemed way more professional.

They made me take one where I was laying on my back in the water, holy crap that was difficult. We had to re-do it like 5 times because the make-up I had on kept dripping into my eyes... WHICH BURNT... A LOT...

The photographers were really nice though, patient as well. My new piercings are still irritating me though so it's hard to say yes to another photoshoot until the small rash on my nose goes away, these piercings... god damnit...

P.S. One of the photographers was called Zane. I just thought that was a cool name.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Haha you know that 7th grader I kicked on Friday?
Well, guess who has a week suspension?
Me~! That's who~
So I'm going back to school monday, my dad said I'm not going to new york on tuesday, isn't that swell?
Aren't you guys happy for me? Haha.
^No, fuck you... whenever I beat the shit out of a chick at school I get expelled...


*throws laptop at cat and stomps off*
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
The principal was all like 'I couldn't believe it was Anastasia who kicked that kid, she's so quite, reserved and never gets into trouble.'
And I was all like 'I regret what I did and this is the last time it will never happen again.'
While in my head I was saying 'Fuck you' to that kid that I beat up.
Hey I had a friend in Japan called Anastasia... she was really little and always threw up on me...

It was a love/puke relationship.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
You continue to creep me out Kat... Amazingly...

I'd be more creeped out if I wasn't crying, FUCKING TITANIC THEME...

God damnit, I'm sad... very sad...
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
No, piss off... you creepy... fucking... weird... piece of... stupid... OKAY FINE


~Chess's #1 fangirl!~