Originally Posted by hproducts View Post
1. Actually we are quite inactive at the moment (Around a 5-12hr inactive post time).
2. See point 1.
3. Whoa there pal, we don't want to have a race.
-Insert funny anime gif here- (Sadly all the ones I have are slightly perverse-huehuehueh)

Srsbsns: The app looks horrible imo, the grammar and punctuations is horrible and the reasons are a mess, btw using blue font doesn't cover up grammar failure.

P.s to lastgod: I'm pretty happy that I've found another TD fan (u)

/me shot
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by thenoobzxd View Post
Name: Thenoobzxd (call me bashata/bash)
Age: 11
Player card: ( 3 achs because of rollback D: )
Why I want to join: C3 Is a good, active clan, i can find here good people and i want to be in active clan.
Why I think you will accept me: I am active so much on forum, ingame too. I play duels much and win tcs/items. I can make friends quickly.

Your app and avatar result in ultimate suckage.

Originally Posted by thenoobzxd View Post
Sorry then.
EDIT: why umad can i play with you?
EDIT2: I will post app to join xD

Get out.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
Originally Posted by thenoobzxd View Post
Name: Thenoobzxd (call me bashata/bash)
Age: 11
Player card: ( 3 achs because of rollback D: )
Why I want to join: C3 Is a good, active clan, i can find here good people and i want to be in active clan.
Why I think you will accept me: I am active so much on forum, ingame too. I play duels much and win tcs/items. I can make friends quickly.

No. Your bugging me already.
Originally Posted by thenoobzxd View Post
Name: Thenoobzxd (call me bashata/bash)
Age: 11
Player card: ( 3 achs because of rollback D: )
Why I want to join: C3 Is a good, active clan, i can find here good people and i want to be in active clan.
Why I think you will accept me: I am active so much on forum, ingame too. I play duels much and win tcs/items. I can make friends quickly.

Here's the break down of your application, in my eyes, for you.

First, let me point out what goes through my mind when I quickly scan through your application. Here's a way to put it:

As hproducts stated, we are NOT active. There is a giant delay in between posts.

You don't announce that you're active on forums if the majority of your posts consists of spam, such as....
Originally Posted by thenoobzxd
Sorry then.
EDIT: why umad can i play with you?
EDIT2: I will post app to join xD

DO IT. Don't TELL us that you make friends quickly. One way to help you get accepted into a clan is to get to know their members and befriend them first. If they know you, your chances of being accepted increases significantly. Unfortunately, the very fact that you tell us that you make friends quickly yet the lack of attempts at it does the exact opposite - I feel more inclined to decline when I see that.


First, I may want to point out to you that your reason for joining C3 doesn't really count as a valid reason. Put some effort into trying to convince us to let you join. Second, "I can see your application grammar fail in," and I don't like to rearrange words that are supposed to be something that I can actually read.


P.S. At least you saved me the trouble of using a facepalm in my post, since it's already stamped on your application.

Oh, and P.S. to hproducts - Look on my anime lists at and (choose the anime tab). Perhaps we have even more animes in common. :3
Last edited by LastGod; Jan 16, 2011 at 05:03 AM.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
LastGod I love you.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
/me pushes LastGod over to Glow.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else