First of all, i haven't been active in game, but once we get official, i will start being very multiplayer active.

And also, i dont want sly in, as far as i can see, he is not the kind of person i want to be forced to hang with.
Majority wins, I suppose.

Sorry slybash, the invite was canceled.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Wait, you're not the leaders to deny other people. If Slybash fill out the app properly with the things I told and the replays, he probably will be accepted.
oh well i say no to slybash
he didn't even put a thought on his app
read this

Originally Posted by Slybash View Post


Total amount of qi (Must be over 1000): 1403
Which mods do you like most?: Crutches is an old favorite of mine.
How would Unknown benefit letting you in?: I would shine my righteous light into your weak souls and incinerate you. Wait, is that really benefiting?
Anything else about yourself: :/

what kind of mod is that
i would better off waiting to load this pic

all in all i say NO