Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Cant wait tbh but no one knows when i even going to get it. Making it perfect takes hella lot of time.
Yeah i agree. And it will allways remind u the stuff why u took the tat. Thats the best part. Tbh i could not care less if people thinks its ugly or something.
For sure, it's all down to personal opinion. Fuck what the others say, if it means something to you then it's important.. who cares if it's ugly in that case
Yeah man. Only thing im a bit worryed is that it would be my first tat and as a first tat it would be kinda bad since it will be huge. Thinking about taking a smaller one fast just to get the feel of it.
Yeah you could do, if you're worried about the pain then definitely get a smaller one. I'm super tired though, goodnight ❤
Yeah i should go to sleep too. 1.36am and i have to wake up 5.30 am to work. Feels good man.