Nice one Bluey. I editted to OP earlier. For some reason in the war history it halved all the scores... but only kind of?
ty Fish for the impeccable toriclan system.

I'm back from my trip to Wales. Was a weird party, didn't realise I was in a friend group with ket fiends. One dude shaved his head, another ate the hair for a line.
Was a weird night.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
I don't think any war logs properly. Posting to confirm 7-3 loss to blueevil. We at 2 all now

On a side note, my snooping into actual 'logs' vs 'wars' list shows it may random miss score and show a win as loss (we have a few in our perm log including our war over Ct shown as loss on new war log/ but a win on actual activity log
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Originally Posted by Liquidoom View Post
If only you had a clan league trophy :)

I have a clan league second place trophy, does that count?
From the year we beat Alpha, twice B)
Shots fired at Alpha
<Diamond> I gotta say I think you're wonderful, stay that way. Or be more wonderful if you wish.
Gratz Soap on getting ES trial! As a former GM/ES, just remember not to fenter people in queue if they whisper that they pinged unless you have screenshots proving that they were indeed in the queue. (I caught many, many unfortunate trials with this trick on their final, or just as I was enslaving supervising them).

Enjoy mate!

Originally Posted by Orko View Post
i have some of those!

Alright Croko calm down. Go back to terrorizing this guy instead.

Last edited by Liquidoom; Dec 5, 2017 at 07:02 AM.
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