I'll fix them , But later. I won't be on for a bit , will fix the frames soon.
"Joining ormo should not be seen primarily as an achievement but as an indication of what your future could be". ~Pusga

Wilo: opener and first hit are alright. i like the weird grab
the kick after that was pretty standard, not very inspiring hit but i guess there was nothing blatantly wrong with it.

you obviously weren't in a good position to throw uke's torso into the air. try having an arm or leg planted firmly on the ground to support your body and then push the torso upwards.

the first part of the transition to the grab was kinda floaty, but after frame 1050 it's all pretty cool. spin looked neat, so did the grab and the kick. the transition to the pose was surprisingly not floaty, nice job.

first two thirds of the replay are quite bland, the last part is pretty nice though.

bLOK: opener was weird, but i'm not sure if it was good. i like some of the stuff like the handstand, but there are bits where it looks like you failed to do what you intended to, and then rolled with it anyway.

left ankle extension at 1180 made it harder for you to start the spin.
i love unorthodox hits like the crotch kick at 1025, but it's hard to pull hits from awkward positions like that while making it look good. in this case, you weren't moving most of your joints, so the kick looked careless and too stiff.

i think keeping that grab on the chest was a bad idea, it pretty much limited your options to "swing around and kick with the right leg".
not a huge fan of the kick either, that quick knee contraction after the kick sometimes works when doing very fast hits in succession, but not here imo.

i think the last grab and hit were very bad options, it completely interrupted your movement and you barely moved your arm, making it look unintentional and disruptive.
transition to the pose was cool though.

Smooth Decap: there is nothing defining about this replay, i just watched it and i don't even remember exactly how it went. the anti pose didn't help either. old and overused setup, obvious decap. nothing special about the execution either.

it's a no for now friend, you can dismember uke easily, try to make your hits look better and more defined, it's more important than amount of dms.


&Z: that spin on your foot at 375 is an AWESOME idea, i wish people did neat stuff like this more often in their openers.
hip and knee dm in one kick, not something you see every day. good stuff.
considering how close you were to uke during the rest of the replay, that was very clean. the movement was straight forward, and the hits so sublime that i didn't even see what caused most of them in my first time watching the replay.
everything in this replay is awesome and it looks awesome. but that pec dm at 217 does not exist.

fuck u dad v2: i commented on the replay before, although now it looks like you decided to change the last part and make it more explosive. i am ok with this, it's not very creative but it's still very impressive to perform.

Passionate: i don't think this is ormo worthy, and i don't think i need to explain specifically why. you kept uke in the air but there were movement reversals that looked clunky, senseless hitting, lots of bruising. the manip looks like most manips ever, expect with the flaws that i mentioned.
the edgy self dms ending doesn't show that much talent either.

i'll have to say no to you because of two major problems: the fact that the dm that made possible the skeet in the first replay was hacked, and the third replay. lots of talent, but i think you knew that the third replay wasn't going to impress us. your execution is great (except for the third replay), and serves to hide the fact that your replays tend to be kick-boom-kick-boom-etc.., but seriously if you gave the first replay a good ending, it would have been good enough (assuming of course that you hacked that dm, which i am pretty sure you did).
Last edited by pusga; Oct 3, 2015 at 01:05 PM.
oh yeah
I don't even know how to hack a dm .-.
But yeah I kinda knew the 3rd replay wasn't very great
And can you explain further on the "pec dm does not exist"
Last edited by emoteen12; Oct 3, 2015 at 09:07 AM.
Originally Posted by emoteen12 View Post
And can you explain further on the "pec dm does not exist"

i meant to say that the pec dm is not legitimate. if you press E on the frame right before the dm happens (frame 218), and then press space, the dm doesn't happen, which can only mean that the game glitched, or that the dismemberment was hacked.
protip: you can get both dms legitimately by lowering the left shoulder and raising the right shoulder at frame 218. the dms should happen at frame 216

regarding the 3rd replay, my advice is that you should be pretty confident in all of your replays. chances are, if you don't think a replay is pretty great, we won't think either.
Last edited by pusga; Oct 3, 2015 at 02:16 PM.
oh yeah
yeah i didnt get the pec dm either

but the foot does touch the pec, so it is entirely possible that he mightve just bruise glitched by accident
tsu tsu cuckoo