Endurance Onslaught 6.0
3 games today trying to win.
first game we are winning but my team, even though better, is full of scared babies and dont fight so we loose.
second game i get a support feedle going 3 17 and a shaco lvl3 when enemy morde was 9 they were QQ because they cant understand they fail.
Third game i get a faking dream team, everyone was figthing and at 20 minuts i had 10 assists AS TOP udyr. Everyone played the game helping each other and fighting as a team.

Loosing and then getting a Dream team feels sooo nice.
Too bad i only get these after 4 defeats.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.


my latest stuff, games are getting easier and easier day by day, idk if its me or just the enemies who are horrible
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
No. In all honesty his ult is pretty horrible, well it's cooldown is extremely long for such an ultimate. What isn't so good about it's a team ability kind of, you use it to help your team most the time and therefore leaves tf weaker than others at lvl 6+. For instance Fizz vs TF, at level 6 Fizz will be able to dominate TF mainly because of his ultimate being all around better (including cooldown) than tf's. TF needs a rework and/or buff.

You're comparing apples to oranges. Fizz's ult is an aoe nuke, so it should be compared similarly to aoe nukes. TF's ult is a global ult, and as such should be compared to one.

And in the argument that a lvl 6 Fizz can take on a lvl 6 TF depends entirely on the player, not the champ. A good TF will not engage in close quarters combat and use his range to his advantage until he can easily go in for the kill. Similarly, a good Fizz will try to close the distance to give himself the advantage and try to get as much damage as he possibly can in when he manages to close the gap, going for the kill when he thinks he can burst it. While Fizz has the higher damage output at this point, TF has the better poke so long as he keeps his distance.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by tarektarek View Post
I just had a 2 v 5. European players are total douchers.

*eh hm* European here :P
Well I got Windows7 64 bit upgraded from 32 bit, alot of the problems that people had on the forums were because of Windows 7, so maybe when I re install it it shall work
Wish me Luck, I'll need it
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
*eh hm* European here :P
Well I got Windows7 64 bit upgraded from 32 bit, alot of the problems that people had on the forums were because of Windows 7, so maybe when I re install it it shall work
Wish me Luck, I'll need it

No, seriously. I hate how arrogant and overconfident they are.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
tarek maybe you were on east europe

Yeah I am on East actually
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
People these days.
So I'm playing annie solo top in ranked ( New meta, get with it. ) Our jungle tryn rushes a wits end. And then gives ahri who I'm laning against double buff, twice. So I'm losing my lane and died 1 time. He trolled a bunch, and raged and such.
Next game i queue with him again, Hes playing vieger I'm playing corki.
Me and soraka are dominating our lane, we have about 6 kills and are out csing them by about 3x. I get a kill in a team fight, and apparently i ksed vieger and so he started feeding, then rage quit. Because i ksed him during a team fight. whut.