/Invade ----> Hmmmm, TP, I would say definitely not great, haha. But you're probably okay.

Btw, just stopping by to say hey and see how things are going in the 'Ol Omega clan.
Oh hey, look who's here. Good Ol' Arterial. Good to see you.

Dunno if you remember me, but I sure do remember you and Omega's Gold Age... like JC used to say lol.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Yeah I remember you. It was quite an uphill battle to get Omega started but its been almost 3 years since I began it in the DSC threads. Ahhhh, those were good times. I see TP and BirdFlu are still going strong in Toribash. Nice to see ya guys
Hey arterial, long time no talk. Remember me? Ah, it's obvious that you do.
What you been up to all this time?
Damn. Ive been doing everything it seems like. I'm still trying to finish my graduate degree now and Im getting married on June 4 so a lot of stuff going on right now. Thats pretty much why I haven't been on Toribash. I miss it sometimes but I'm always so busy that I barely have time even if I'm thinking about playing or getting on the forums, haha.
Real life stuff. I know what that is like. I'm still undergraduate though so Less stress there for me but I am already married :P Good to see you
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
hia art nice to meet you, and grats on getting a wife !
(tobad tho when rl comes in the way of good gaming, I think its a global problem, maybe something for the UN to solve..)
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"