Shrook, i believe you should get off of the internet for a bit, especially from the japanese side, i know you live in japan and all, but still...
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
just bought mortal kombat x it's amazing LET's play
ps4 ver here

meanwhile on playing it for free on pc
cage the gargoyle
Don't own ps4 unfortunaly. Wanna buy ps4 and Bloodborne :c
But I've played it on my friend's console. This game is fucking awesome!

Originally Posted by Melqart View Post
ew -60 euros

actually you can buy it for like 30$ on G2A ^^

i bought elder scrolls online for 14 $, better than fucking 70 lel

i also played mortal X on my friend xbox one, it is amazing :o. those fatality are real
no u

Those Fatalities were disgustingly entertaining.
"I never thought I'd test the full power of my ability on a naked girl though"