Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
Yeah, Blue's a good kid.

You lost 23 pounds in a month? Wow. And here I am licking clean every plate of food that comes my way. Thank the heavens for my fast metabolism or I'd be a ball by now.

Yeah, my metabolism is annoying as fuck. I wanna put on a bit of weight before working out but no matter how much I eat I just don't increase in weight. I've been stuck at 9 stone/nearly 10 for ages now.
Wait, what
I usually change my workout training sheets when I'm stuck in weights, it always works well and I end up increasing them over the time.

Also, I tend to get fat easily, so I need to be careful with what I eat to keep in shape. On the other hand I tend to gain muscles faster, but yeah, just a matter of metabolism.
taking art requests for USD
Originally Posted by eightah View Post
Yeah, my metabolism is annoying as fuck. I wanna put on a bit of weight before working out but no matter how much I eat I just don't increase in weight. I've been stuck at 9 stone/nearly 10 for ages now.

I was roughly ~165 pounds (~12 stone) before this happened. I should've been about 200 something from all I ate, but metabolism metabolism metabolism.

Originally Posted by Orko View Post
Okay, we're sacrificing a member of this clan, to please the high-lord BONDarenko.

The way this is going to go is all members are required to send me a vote to my PM's of whom they wish to be exiled from the island.

I shall tally the vote and sacrifice the selected candidate.

Oh, and by the way anyone can vote. It doesn't matter whether you're in the clan or not, you can still vote.

EDIT: dont send it to me on steam or skype or okcupid or /boypussy/ irc, send me a toribash pm or your vote is invalid

There is that.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Is it bad that I'm 110 pounds and 16 and pretty tall
When (i) Grow Up, I Will Identify As An Attack Helicopter <3
Sometimes (i) realize life is fucking stupid
Originally Posted by Dooby View Post
Is it bad that I'm 110 pounds and 16 and pretty tall

It's a possibility. Depends on your heritage.
Last I checked I was around 120 pounds. I'm 5 foot 5 and turning 17 next week.

At what age do males stop growing? Because I am still not satisfied with my height.
a spoon.