My philosophy teacher is a hardcore feminist

Not a fun class
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
my first two philosophy classes were mostly "omg someone else shares my thoughts"

and then we had to do things

teacher is fucking cool though, also helps that i was his fav student B^)
oh yeah
wow sounds depressing. I think my class is way above average.
we actually talk about what we think really in-depth, and my teacher has traveled all over the world. He even technically owns his own island.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
we actually talk about what we think really in-depth, and my teacher has traveled all over the world. He even technically owns his own island.

thats not a nice way to talk about his wife
oh yeah

that was glorious pusga

Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
Schrodner gave the idea that we waste our lives because the majority of people don't do anything with their time. They are told that they need to go into a certain field because thats the only way we can make enough money to support our families. In actual practice, have you ever noticed how lots of adults are dull and miserable despite having everything they think they want. As a 20 year old they tell themselves that they'll travel the world when they're older and more financially stable, but that doesnt happen because when they get a job theyre told that if they take a year off they'll lose their job. Then they don't do anything due to that pressure from society which tells them to submit because thats the only way they'll be happy, through money. That's Schroeders idea and principal which you can see everyday in life. I can see it everyday everywhere, Idk it could be different elswhere in the world.
There are exceptions to this idea that you see but the general public you see everyday that drags themselves out of bed everyday to do something that they don't want to really embodies this idea.


This part of reality gives me anxiety. Not even shitting you, i've been suffering from increasing amounts of anxiety recently because of problems like that. I'd love to just goof around and be artsy and game developy all day, but for that, i need money. Money that i'm probably not going to get by doodling dinosaurs and working on a free game. I'd have to be EXTREMELY ENTERTAINING to a VERY LARGE bunch of very generous people at a VERY HIGH frequency if that was to work out. I am extremely grateful for the few people who actually stick around to see what i do next, but i wouldn't expect anyone to throw their entire life savings at me because a drawing made them giggle. I mean, i sure as well wouldn't MIND if people were to accidentally drop me some donations every now and then, but i have no expectation or demand of that.

More realistically, i'd get money from a job, preferrably one that isn't soul-crushing. Most of the non-soul-crushing jobs require a degree, and i can't for the life of me bring myself to be a proper diligent student. The classes i can manage to participate in and keep up with are the ones that i can easily hang on to by not doing any additional studying beyond the lectures; ideally not even the lectures either. As soon as it gets difficult, my brain just goes on strike, declares it to be a waste of time and generally refuses to cooperate. In fact, allow me to try and illustrate the kind of feeling i get when i'm expected to do difficult homework at home.

That's how it feels like; as if my subconscious is actively re-enacting WW2 inside my skull. Compared to how most others would feel when being assigned a lengthy piece of homework, that's a rather extreme reaction. Now guess why i'm not entirely keen on it being damn near necessary to get a degree? :I
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
My philosophy teacher is a hardcore feminist

Not a fun class

i cry for you
the goblin
Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
My philosophy teacher is a hardcore feminist

Not a fun class


my whole class was annoying

There was one girl who said erect instead of react so she said "the way they erect with animals"

My friend and I lost if but he got kicked out and I didn't but then I got kicked out too and we like died laughing
Originally Posted by Complexity View Post

my whole class was annoying

There was one girl who said erect instead of react so she said "the way they erect with animals"

My friend and I lost if but he got kicked out and I didn't but then I got kicked out too and we like died laughing

Yeah but you're still in grade 7 ;o

can't be that bad
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
i remember making fart noises under the table at the school library with the lady trying to read a book to a class.

i can't believe i ever thought that stuff was funny
wow that
Well this is fucking depressing so here is a grape wearing a raspberry.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~