We lost to [RelaxAll].
Shockey911- 2 wins
Killer3366- 5 wins
Zer0897- 1 win
Last edited by Shockey; Apr 6, 2013 at 08:15 AM.
We are currently discussing the prize that shouldn't have existed. Killer3366 may be fucking with me though.

Update; this is the link he sent me proving that we were to duel for 50k.
There will no need to pay 50k to anyone.
Last edited by Jeffry36; Apr 6, 2013 at 08:16 AM.
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
Originally Posted by Jeffry36 View Post
We are currently discussing the prize that shouldn't have existed. Killer3366 may be fucking with me though.

I remember saying no prize, there is NO prize. NONE.
Look at the link he sent me as "proof." Don't worry, there's no prize.
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
Originally Posted by NinjaBee View Post
Lol wtf that would be hilarious! I'm high right now

When he sent me the picture, I both laughed and wanted to punch him.
Glad you're high .-.
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
Originally Posted by NinjaBee View Post
Whoops I was lookin at a diff page when I posted that

Um alright then lol. Well to get the conversation rolling again, anyone got anything planned this weekend?
VleniK|MrGarry|Fariz|Cerezo|Team America|
|Ethereal|RIP Source|
Eating, Pooping, Sleeping, Repeat
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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