Hello, all members of the OBEY clan.

My name is Joshua, and I live in the Caribbean,
Trinidad, and I want to join this clan because over my
3 years of playing this very enticing game we know as
Toribash this clan, through thick and thin, has always been
a clan of inpirastion to me I always feel as if this clan is unbeatable
This clan as a matter of fact was the reason I joined Toribash to begin
I was looking up random videos on youtube and I love ragdoll games to death
and I saw this video I was hesitant to click it at first but when I saw it I was in awe
at the amazing thing you could do in this game and when I downloaded the game I
thought it was gonna be easy but boy was I wrong.

I looked at this video over and over to contemplate if I could ever become as good but
sadly never happens lol

But anyways
My age is 13 (Don't worry I would like to think I am decently mature for my age and my voice is relatively deep so it would rather sound like I am a 18 or 19 year old
I use to do Karate, Track and Field, and Archery but non of them peak my interest to the point where I felt as if I could do it forever or even as a passion so now I just excersize on my own.

I am a very down to earth person I have my flaws as in like being very...
Um rude at times (Not toxic big difference) well attitude non the less
I was in 3 clan my entire time of playing toribash
Some of them were YesWeCannibis, One and a very well known clan Thief might not have gotten offical but there felt like home to me everyone there was so friendly when we built it up from the ground (I was one of the co owners by the way along with Typhon and Malfunction). I stopped playing toribash after a year of play I had reached just finally reach my all time goal of black but then I wanted more over the time I stopped playing I needed this game in my life again In 2017 June 3rd I started playing again and I just fell in love with the game all over again This is around the time I joined YesWeCannibis and then eventually that clan became inactive and after a while the game got a little less interesting, I stopped playing as frequently and started started focusing on my school work again.Over the time I was playing I joined in One but that clan didnt feel as if it was welcoming while it did have some people I knew it was all like everyone was barely one it was only me and 3 other people I would regularly see on so I decided to leave, and that clan died shortly after and then Thief, I think the greatest clan I was ever in so far we rised so fast and everyone was so active and friendly and everything was just so good the atmosphere while your talking to people was so heavenly but the faster you claim the faster you fall... and while we strived to try and keep people in we eventually dispersed and Thief died.

I mainly play Aikido and AikidoBigDojo all my clans were mainly those and I played fun mods like wushu greykido and had a fun time.

I hope this application was good I poured my heart and soul into this because I honestly love this clan with no limit.
I haven't applied sooner because over time I saw some fantastic applications (To me anyways) to this clan getting shot down and I was so intimidated I just decided not to. So I built up some courage and here I am today. Once again hope you found this entertaining.
Respect everything you get in life and respect life itself in it's own aspect of thing
Originally Posted by captain000 View Post
Hello, all members of the OBEY clan.

My name is Joshua, and I live in the Caribbean,
Trinidad, and I want to join this clan because over my
3 years of playing this very enticing game we know as
Toribash this clan, through thick and thin, has always been
a clan of inpirastion to me I always feel as if this clan is unbeatable
This clan as a matter of fact was the reason I joined Toribash to begin
I was looking up random videos on youtube and I love ragdoll games to death
and I saw this video I was hesitant to click it at first but when I saw it I was in awe
at the amazing thing you could do in this game and when I downloaded the game I
thought it was gonna be easy but boy was I wrong.

I looked at this video over and over to contemplate if I could ever become as good but
sadly never happens lol

But anyways
My age is 13 (Don't worry I would like to think I am decently mature for my age and my voice is relatively deep so it would rather sound like I am a 18 or 19 year old
I use to do Karate, Track and Field, and Archery but non of them peak my interest to the point where I felt as if I could do it forever or even as a passion so now I just excersize on my own.

I am a very down to earth person I have my flaws as in like being very...
Um rude at times (Not toxic big difference) well attitude non the less
I was in 3 clan my entire time of playing toribash
Some of them were YesWeCannibis, One and a very well known clan Thief might not have gotten offical but there felt like home to me everyone there was so friendly when we built it up from the ground (I was one of the co owners by the way along with Typhon and Malfunction). I stopped playing toribash after a year of play I had reached just finally reach my all time goal of black but then I wanted more over the time I stopped playing I needed this game in my life again In 2017 June 3rd I started playing again and I just fell in love with the game all over again This is around the time I joined YesWeCannibis and then eventually that clan became inactive and after a while the game got a little less interesting, I stopped playing as frequently and started started focusing on my school work again.Over the time I was playing I joined in One but that clan didnt feel as if it was welcoming while it did have some people I knew it was all like everyone was barely one it was only me and 3 other people I would regularly see on so I decided to leave, and that clan died shortly after and then Thief, I think the greatest clan I was ever in so far we rised so fast and everyone was so active and friendly and everything was just so good the atmosphere while your talking to people was so heavenly but the faster you claim the faster you fall... and while we strived to try and keep people in we eventually dispersed and Thief died.

I mainly play Aikido and AikidoBigDojo all my clans were mainly those and I played fun mods like wushu greykido and had a fun time.

I hope this application was good I poured my heart and soul into this because I honestly love this clan with no limit.
I haven't applied sooner because over time I saw some fantastic applications (To me anyways) to this clan getting shot down and I was so intimidated I just decided not to. So I built up some courage and here I am today. Once again hope you found this entertaining.

honored by your application and appreciation for us
posted for discussion
PM me with any and all questions
I know this chat isn't for random chattings but thank you so much.
Respect everything you get in life and respect life itself in it's own aspect of thing
Sorry to say, everybody denied
From now on, we're raising the bar significantly since we're being flooded by apps and we already have our tightly knitted team of players set to compete in CL
you were all considered by old standards so don't worry
thanks for applying
PM me with any and all questions