youre playing tryofrce first on gp?! BURN BURN BUUUUURRRN
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
trinity only good in corki and in other champs for a bit of utility but on vayne infinity edge or bloodT is allways a better choice imo.

Also how can some people be so bad, today i play as jungle udyr ( i dont even play junglers ) and i am able to get 1 1 4 score which is decent but then i look at my bot lane and at 12 minuts its gone and how the fuck can a cait against a vayne have 20 cs at 20 minuts lol.

1 cs per minut is like a record for an ad carry.
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Jan 2, 2012 at 10:42 PM.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
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Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
trinity only good in corki and in other champs for a bit of utility but on vayne infinity edge or bloodT is allways a better choice imo.

Also how can some people be so bad, today i play as jungle udyr ( i dont even play junglers ) and i am able to get 1 1 4 score which is decent but then i look at my bot lane and at 12 minuts its gone and how the fuck can a cait against a vayne have 20 cs at 20 minuts lol.

1 cs per minut is like a record for an ad carry.

Clearly you haven't seen my ad carries from a couple months ago.

I would go the game with only 60 cs. The outcome of the game hinged on my ability to ks :s
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Got Fizz, and holy fucking dickbaskets he's fun to play. His playful/trickster is awesome for escapes, jumping walls, and countering long range attacks. His q (dash) is good for dealing some quick damage and escaping, and his w (small buff) is good for taking out enemies swiftly. His ulti is my favorite though, as I've found it to be an awesome initiation tool on people like Yi and Tryndamere, because you can just pile all of your abilities onto them, kill them, and escape before anyone ever knows what happened.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah

i play ad carries so not being able to farm is an insult to me :P

althought what i hate most is people loosing a tower early. Its like if they arent even playing, you never loose a tower early, at least i havent.

danm no cheerios posted first!
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
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Losing a turret early actually works in your favor more. It hurts your ability to farm if you took out their turret because then you're in constant danger of ganks, which is why I force myself to not take it until 20 minutes in. The turret is going to go down later in the game anyway so way force it early game?
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

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Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
Losing a turret early actually works in your favor more. It hurts your ability to farm if you took out their turret because then you're in constant danger of ganks, which is why I force myself to not take it until 20 minutes in. The turret is going to go down later in the game anyway so way force it early game?

Pushing a turret early also gives you the advantage of your minions pushing on to their side, causing usually at least one person to be in that lane to try and push it back more often then if a tower was there.
seriously? loosing a tower at 12 minuts = you are making something wrong. obviously the enemy wants to farm but at 12 minuts a tower is wonderfull, you can go around and roam with your lvl advantage ( pushing = higher lvl ) and really hurt other lanes while the enemy is back on second tower.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
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