Guys sorry I haven't been on the stupid electric company cut a fiber optic cable that we use for internet so the whole town went with out internet/wifi
I think im getting better at this aikido thing.
Attached Files
aikido epicness arm kick.rpl (30.3 KB, 5 views)
aikido epicness arm punch.rpl (41.1 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by PingPong19; Dec 11, 2014 at 04:48 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Someone who thinks death is the scariest thing doesn't know a thing about life.
Originally Posted by GrAmOf0n View Post
So i decided to post my stupid face for you to see. xD


And this is that little guy on my head :3

i got parrot pet but he died D: so sad that picture reminds me
and i have picture of mine : D

:D number1

:D number2

[SPOILER=" number3"]
Last edited by mamafeeds; Dec 11, 2014 at 07:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
ehm.. I looks cool mamafeeds. But what do you mean by 'member of the racist'?
Sounds fuckin bad, and isnt worth a joke!
Delete that picture imediatly..
And also your sig..! Am I wrong?
Last edited by BBKing; Dec 11, 2014 at 06:38 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
oh!!sorry BBking
i play TB they always said to me im a member of racist D:
and is just a joke im so sorry BBking
i think because of my headtexture
Last edited by mamafeeds; Dec 11, 2014 at 07:53 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Its ok mamafeeds.. its just not funny :/ I dont like jokes about racism. Thx for deleting.
And dont worry, I know you're not a racist.
DID SOMEBUDY SAY RAACIST? ooh no Tsk tsk tsk mamafeeds
but mamafeeds still feeds teh best
Last edited by Joshkilla; Dec 11, 2014 at 11:59 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by mamafeeds View Post
what is Raacist?
they always Say to me im the member of racist

A racist is a person who doesn't tolerate people of different race.
For example: someone who hates black/asian/latin people and does things to show that he hates them.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by PingPong19 View Post
Guys sorry I haven't been on the stupid electric company cut a fiber optic cable that we use for internet so the whole town went with out internet/wifi
I think im getting better at this aikido thing.

Aikido (my opinion) is not really about inflicting damage on your opponent. This means that you aren't really supposed to kick/punch. It is more about using your opponents force/momentum against them. Trying to get dms isn't really what makes you good in aikido. There are different ways to use your opponents force against them. Things such as: suplexes and throws. It would benefit you more if you practise those moves.
Also a tip: dont start with a snapkick opener is normal aikido.
You can do that in ABD since everyone plays cheap. Basically ABD (how most people play it) exist of: snapkicks, tripodding, trying desperately to damage your opponent, basic suplexes and lifts sometimes even shovels.

i am a bird now - Lil B