Remember where you came from
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illuminati: "You got mad followers Redd"
Zeus: "He's the shit"

Okay so hi, yes hello, is the me, the Nulu, the Demini, the James, the Jamie, the call me whatever the fuck you please. I especially liked being called the bottom bitch.

In all seriousness, I'm Nulu, or as some of you may remember me from the old ass days, Demini/Desertair. I was in the clan back in some of the older days a few years back. I believe it was 2013/14 and I spent roughly 8 months here, leaving due to some personal issues back in the day *cough*tyzi*cough*. But I'd love to rejoin with the clan I used to call family years ago.

I'm 19 years old at this point and I've developed 'a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare'. I've mainly discovered/learned how to make replays. Realism in particular is by far my strongest area with madmans/manips being a close 2nd. I've also come to understand how to play abd and erthtkv2 to a fairly high level. I play off eastern standard time so I believe it's -4 or -5 GMT. I'm on most days especially when I'm off work.

I'm currently in the process of enlisting into the USAF(United States Air Force) I have been in this process for close to a year now though. I have the literal worst and slowest recruiter in the world. I'm attempting to enlist as a mechanic and work my first two years going to college to then go through the process of becoming a pilot in the long run.

Mott is my most recent replay, I gave up trying to get the 7 dm boom and accepted 3 at the end.

Lazy fucks click me harder please

Attached Files
Galileo2.rpl (565.4 KB, 5 views)
Sailor Jerry.rpl (406.8 KB, 2 views)
Who needs to kount.rpl (377.6 KB, 4 views)
Mott.rpl (203.3 KB, 2 views)
Kounting the seconds.rpl (170.8 KB, 3 views)
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
im ready to come home
[Market Squid] [Editing][OBEY]
Have a question concerning the market or anything of the sort? Feel free to ask me!
  • Name Chuck
  • Age 21
  • GMT 8
  • Replays none
  • Competitive game modes (or other strengths)=Lenshu and Abd
  • Some general stuff about yourself (we want to know about you)havent played this game in a while but really enjoy it and before i was recycled i was 10th dan.
  • And if possible, make it as thorough and interesting as possible-I rather not, kinda dont understand this applying thing to be completely honest. Back Then it was if youre good your in.